Inquiry for help

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The new year started fairly calm. Queen Scintel broke off the engagement with you. Before the separatist senate she stated that it was one of her moods and even though the Queen didn't really apologize for the trouble she's caused, the CIS still buried the events without ever mentioning them. She later told you that the Count was more than frustrated but had to accept the course since the war was intensifying out of reasons, that were unknown to him. Rumours about a new Sith within the CIS circulated through the ranks of the Republic but no one seemed to know anything about him. In Addition, you had to deal with the food shortage that was still to come to Nathema. Because of the course of events, you decided to take another trip to Coruscant in hope to negotiate a trade agreement. Those trades would ensure money that could boost your economy and Nathema could use to buy the missing food somewhere else.

"We've arrived, my Lord" the pilot informed.

Slowly you stood up from your seat and stretched a little before exiting the ship. Stepping out onto the landing platform, you were greeted by the familiar bustling sounds of Coruscant, a city-planet teeming with life and activity. The sprawling metropolis stretched as far as the eye could see, a testament to the strength and grandeur of the Galactic Republic.

"Greetings Lord (S/N). I hope you had a comfortable flight." Luminara states formally, accompanied by her loyal Padawan.

"It is great to see you both in good health." you respond and bow down a little.

"What brings you to Coruscant on such short notice?" the Jedi asked curiously.

"Politics unfortunately, but I have also brought some extra time, that I still need to find utilization for."

"I'm sure that we will find something that will fit you." Luminara responds and leads the way.

"I didn't know that you were my attendants this time around." you stated while shifting between the two Mirialans.

"The 41st Elite Corp suffered a great loss in our last battle." Barriss stated with a slight sad expression.

"That is the reason why we now reside on Coruscant for the time being, to strengthen our troops again." Luminara added.

"Dare I ask what happened." you say while hiding the fact that you already knew.

"We and the 41st were on Bandomeer for reasons I'm not allowed to tell you when we were attacked by an unknown Sith. He and his droids caught us by surprise. His skills with the blade were like nothing I've ever seen in my life. His unparalleled speed and swiftness weren't something I were able to handle. This faceless devil appeared out of nowhere and destroyed us." Luminara's gaze went to the ground and stayed there as she came to a halt, sadness and regret were displayed on her but also anger over herself for not being able to protect what she wanted to, "While his droid army overwhelmed our clones, he fought Barriss and me. Despite being outnumbered he handled us as we weren't even a challenge to him and after taking out my Padawan with ease, he defeated me, a Master of the Jedi ways, as if it were nothing. My heart was filled with despair as I lay defeated on the ground, and he left us there without finishing the job. It was as if he wanted us to suffer, to know our own powerlessness."

"I'm so sorry to hear about what happened to you and your troops," you replied with faked sincerity. "This Sith sounds extremely dangerous and powerful. Do you have any idea who he might be or what his motivations are?"

"We have no clue," Luminara said with a sigh. "He wore a mask, and his identity remains a mystery. All we know is that he seems to be aligned with the CIS, but beyond that, we have nothing. Master Kenobi and Skywalker stated that they have met him on Christophsis, fighting alongside Assajj Ventress but he wasn't seen again until now."

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