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After the doors closed behind the departing delegation, your consultant approached, bowing respectfully. "My Lord, the Duchess's proposal is intriguing. An alliance with Mandalore could provide strategic advantages and resources, while simultaneously undermining the growing influence of the Death Watch."

You remained silent for a moment, fingers tapping rhythmically on the armrest of your throne. "Indeed, the potential benefits are apparent. However, I am cautious about entangling Nathema too deeply in Mandalore's affairs. We must assess the situation thoroughly."

The consultant nodded, understanding the weight of your words. "Shall I gather more intelligence on Mandalore's internal dynamics and the strength of the Death Watch? It would provide a clearer picture for your deliberation."

"Do so," you commanded, your gaze fixed on the holographic image of Mandalore that now hovered in the center of the chamber. "And discreetly monitor the Duchess's actions. I want to know if Mandalore's commitment to this alliance is as unwavering as she claims."

"As you wish, my Lord," the consultant replied, bowing again before leaving the chamber.

As the consultant exited, the holographic image of Mandalore lingered in the room, casting a faint glow against the dark tapestries. You sat back in your throne, your mind contemplating the intricate web of alliances and power dynamics at play.

The air shimmered as a familiar holographic transmission device flickered to life once again, this time projecting the image of your consultant's face. "My Lord, there's an urgent communication from Bo-Katan. She wishes to update you on the situation with the Death Watch."

"Patch her through," you commanded, your expression composed.

Bo-Katan's holographic image materialized, her Mandalorian armour reflecting the bluish glow of the transmission. "(Y/N), the Death Watch has become a formidable force. Pre Vizsla's influence has grown, and they've gained support from various factions within Mandalore. The shadows you cast have contributed to their rise."

You observed Bo-Katan's hologram with an impassive demeanour. "Explain in detail. I need to understand the extent of their power and influence."

Bo-Katan began to narrate the intricate web of alliances, covert operations, and the Death Watch's gradual ascendancy within Mandalore. Your eyes remained focused, absorbing every detail, your mind calculating the potential outcomes.

"The Death Watch aims to control key sectors of Mandalore, and Pre Vizsla's rhetoric resonates with a significant portion of the population. Their military strength has surged, and whispers of Mandalore being overpowered by their influence grow louder," Bo-Katan reported, her tone a mixture of concern and determination.

You leaned forward slightly, the holographic image of Mandalore still suspended in the air beside Bo-Katan's projection. "This complicates matters."

Bo-Katan nodded in agreement, her helmeted gaze meeting yours through the holographic interface. "However, an alliance between Nathema and Mandalore could shift the balance. Your combined forces could crush the Death Watch's insurgency and restore order to Mandalore. Think of the strategic advantage, my Lord. With Mandalorian warriors by your side, Nathema would become an unassailable fortress."

Your eyes narrowed thoughtfully, acknowledging the truth in Bo-Katan's words. "A formidable proposition indeed. The Death Watch may be a thorn in Mandalore's side, but I won't underestimate the complexities of their internal politics. Before committing Nathema to an alliance, I need assurances that Mandalore can deliver what it promises."

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