Seed of temptation

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"Another striking speech, Lord (S/N)." Senator Organa complimented.

"I was merely pointing out what others would've too in the same situation." you answered.

"You're selling yourself well under worth, young friend."

"Carefully chosen words influence the minds of the uncertain, like a wind gently bending the grass of a meadow." Luminara said, when she suddenly appeared.

With a respectful nod you bid Senator Organa farewell for the moment and walked alongside the Jedi Master.

"I didn't expect you to stay here that long." you state with a slight expression of surprise on your face.

"The debate seemed rather interesting this time, so I decided to stay for a moment until your speech." she responded.

"So, my words also held you here?"

"They indeed caught my attention and interest from the very beginning."

"Now I don't know if I should apologize for stealing your time or appreciate your compliment."

"There is nothing to apologize for. I stayed because of my own decision and feel no kind of regret. I must admit that it was the first time I enjoyed politics."

"It's wonderful to have sparked a new interest in you."

For the first time your conversation felt different than usual. Luminara's emotionless expression completely faded the instant you started talking and a bright and warm but also just slight smile took its place. But not only her expression changed, her tone changed as well. Where at first resided nothing but coldness and distance, was now living a warmth and livelihood like you've never seen on her before.

"I'd love to treat you to dinner, but I guess that Jedi duties of yours keep you tied up." you suggested with a slight played sad tone under your breath.

"I'm afraid so, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't like to take the offer." she replied, making sure you wouldn't interpret turning you down the wrong way.

"Do not worry, there is a right time for everything." you reassure Luminara and see a slight sign of relief on her face.

With every word the two of you exchanged, you felt your technique succeed increasingly. The door to her emotions opened slowly but surely and your grip around them got stronger with each second. Satisfaction filled your heart but besides that something else lingered around, waiting to enter a second time.

The two of you reached the entrance of the senate building and bid each other farewell.

"I'll come visit you once the tallying is over." you promise the Jedi and send her off to the temple with a gentle smile.

On your way back you ran into Senator Organa.

"They're about to announce the outcome of the vote." the Senator said with a concerned look.

You couldn't care less about the outcome since it wouldn't change very much for you and your people. Your war efforts are hidden and directed against not only the Separatists but also the Republic. If the senate voted for an alliance, you would just have a few more official duties in republic territory as well as a little gain for Nathema's economy and if it doesn't than you could go on the way you were doing before.

The moment you stepped on the platform you tried to read the room. It was filled with all kinds of hope and worries. Everyone was nervous and curious about the outcome and wild chatter raged through the atmosphere, until the chancellor came into the room.

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