Departure from the Senate

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As you stepped further into the sterile, white interior of Senator Burtoni's office, you could feel her attempt to dominate the space with her presence. The room was pristine, filled with various artifacts from Kamino, each one a testament to the senator's high status and cultural pride. Her tall, elegant frame was accentuated by the flowing, silver robes she wore, but the coldness in her eyes betrayed her arrogance.

"Lord (S/N)," Senator Burtoni repeated, her voice tinged with disdain. "I must say, I was not expecting a visit from you today. What urgent matter has brought you here?"

You felt the shift in the atmosphere as you advanced, the oppressive weight of your presence filling the room. Senator Burtoni's eyes widened almost imperceptibly, a flicker of fear crossing her composed features. She tried to maintain her air of superiority, but the way her fingers tightened around the armrest of her chair betrayed her unease.

"Senator Farr's recent death," you began, your voice smooth yet chilling, "has raised some troubling questions. Questions that I believe you can help answer."

Burtoni's eyes narrowed, a mix of suspicion and alarm flashing in their depths. "I fail to see how I could be of any assistance in this matter," she replied, her tone attempting to regain its usual confidence.

You stepped closer, allowing the menacing aura you carried to wash over her. "I believe you know more than you let on, Senator." Your voice dropped to a near-whisper, every word dripping with a quiet threat. "The poisoning of a fellow senator is no trivial matter. And your opposition to Senator Farr in the recent debate makes you a more than plausible candidate."

Burtoni's face blanched, her defiance momentarily giving way to genuine fear. She quickly regained her composure, but you had seen the crack in her façade.

"I assure you," she said, her voice faltering slightly, "I had nothing to do with Senator Farr's death. Our disagreements were purely political."

You circled her desk slowly, the air growing colder with each step you took. "Political disagreements can often escalate, Senator. Especially when substantial financial interests are at stake."

Her fingers drummed nervously on the desk, betraying her inner turmoil. "Kamino has indeed suffered financial setbacks due to the Senate's recent decisions, but I would never resort to such measures."

You stopped directly behind her, leaning in close enough that she could feel the icy chill of your breath on the back of her neck. "The Kaminoans are known for their clinical efficiency, Senator. Tell me, how efficient are you?"

Burtoni's composure crumbled further, her breathing quickening. She turned to face you, desperation in her eyes. "I swear on the honor of Kamino, I am innocent. Whatever enmity existed between Farr and me was strictly within the bounds of Senate protocol."

You studied her, your dark eyes boring into her soul, searching for any sign of deceit. Her terror was palpable, yet there was a strange sincerity in her pleas. The truth began to reveal itself, piece by piece.

"Very well, Senator," you said, stepping back and giving her a moment of reprieve. "If you have nothing to hide, you won't mind answering a few more questions."

Burtoni nodded eagerly, relieved at the temporary easing of pressure. "Of course, anything to clear my name."

You settled into a chair across from her, your demeanor shifting to one of calm scrutiny. "Where were you on the night of Senator Farr's death?"

"In my quarters," she replied, "preparing for the next Senate session. You can check the records; I didn't leave my room all evening."

You made a mental note to verify her alibi. "And your staff? Were they with you the entire time?"

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