On the offensive

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"So, what will be our next step?" Cham Syndulla asked curiously as he entered your commanding centre.

"Isn't this your planet to free?" Bo butted in, slightly annoyed.

"There is no need to fight among allies." you stop their quarrel before it escalates, "for the next mission we will split up our forces. The resistance will attack a supply depot that is connected directly to Lessu. At the same time Commander Havok and I will attack the nearby communication hub so that you have enough time to escape before their reinforcements arrive."

"They won't notice us until it's too late." Cham Syndulla added and left to inform his fighters about the coming operation.

"I really start to dislike him." Bo stated with her eyes rolling.

"Do not worry I have a different task for you."

Her gaze met yours and with the confusion and curiosity Bo burned to know what you had in mind for her.

"Contact our spies within the republic senate. I want Senator Orn Free Taa on this planet as soon as possible and prepare a dossier about the crimes he committed. His execution won't be public, but his reputation will die with him in the eyes of everyone that thought they knew him." you elucidated and sent Bo off.

"Our soldiers are ready, my Lord!" Commander Havok informed.

"We will head out as soon as Cham and his fighters set out."

A few minutes pass before Cham Syndulla informs of their leave and as you watch his poorly equipped troops march towards their destination, you almost feel a sense of pity for them. The shadows have fallen over Ryloth and the Twi'lek, without them realising it.

"Let's head out as well." you tell your Commander, and your troops make their way under the cheers of the Twi'lek that remained in the basecamp.

Their applause and jubilation brought a faint smile to your face under that mask of yours. Not because you saw yourself as their saviour as they did, but because you knew better.

Shortly after you've arrived at the communication hub, Commander Havok pulls out his holo projector to discuss the strategy with the troops. Commander Havok stood before a gathering of Nathema's soldiers, all donned in their sleek black armour, ready for the mission ahead. The communication hub of the CIS loomed in the distance; a formidable structure surrounded by a network of defences. It was a critical target, and the success of this operation was paramount.

"Ladies and gentlemen," Havok began, his voice projecting authority and confidence. "Our objective is clear: seize control of the communication hub swiftly and efficiently. We have the element of surprise on our side, and we must use it to our advantage. The fewer casualties, the better."

He activated the holo projector, displaying a three-dimensional map of the hub and its surroundings.

"As you can see, the hub is heavily fortified, but it has a vulnerability. Our intelligence indicates that there is a maintenance hatch on the eastern side, here," Havok pointed at the holographic image. "It's a less-guarded entry point. Our initial strike team will consist of myself, our Lord, and a small group of elite soldiers."

He gestured to the soldiers who would accompany them. They were a seasoned and disciplined unit, handpicked for their skills in covert operations.

"While we create a diversion on the western side, our strike team will infiltrate through the maintenance hatch. Our Lord will lead us and neutralize any threats silently. We'll disable the security systems and secure the control room. Once we have control, we'll send out a signal to shut down all communications from this hub."

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