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You were now sitting in an office that belonged to the passed Senator Orn Free Taa, with a beautiful view over Lessu. Sitting in front of you was Eleni Syndulla, the wife to the fallen Cham Syndulla. Her sadness was still written on her face even though some time had passed since the fall of her husband and the end of the fighting for Ryloth's freedom.

"Again, my condolences Eleni." you said to her, but those words held no meaning.

"Thank you, Lord (S/N). I always feared that he would one day fall victim to his believes but he fought for what he and all of us thought was right and that makes him our hero." the widow said with teary eyes.

"Please excuse my intrusion." a well-dressed Twi'lek apologised as he walked through the door unannounced, "Am I interrupting something?"

"No, I was about to go." Eleni stated and headed out after bowing down to you respectfully before leaving.

After the door was shut and nobody else was in the room, the Twi'lek kneeled before you.

"The Regime has been established as you directed, my Lord." he reported.

"Excellent," you replied, your tone carrying the weight of your intentions. "Once we've secured Ryloth's stability from within, it will be time to make a significant declaration. You will proclaim the independence of the Twi'lek people from the Galactic Republic. I expect your strict adherence to my commands in all situations."

"Yes, Lord (S/N)."

After your conversation with the young Twi'lek you noticed a small light blinking on your communicator. The Transmission was coming from Nathema.

"I'm sorry for interrupting you, Master (S/N)." Barriss apologised the instant she appeared.

"What is it Barriss?"

"Master Luminara called for me. She didn't give me much detail but it seems to include the planet Geonosis." the young mirialan explained.

Barriss' countenance had undergone a transformation since the day you took her under your wing. Her once emotionless facade had given way to something more complex. In her eyes, the icy detachment of the past had been replaced by a turbulent blend of emotions. A simmering rage and a deep-seated hatred now flickered behind her gaze.

It was evident that Barriss had been making remarkable progress in her training. When she transmitted a recording showcasing her advancements, you were both surprised and impressed. Her development had far exceeded your initial expectations. Barriss displayed an astonishing adaptability, quickly absorbing the lessons you imparted. Her latent potential in the dark side of the Force was steadily growing.

As her training continued, Bariss' newfound emotions began to seep into her combat style. In combat, she wielded the Force with a newfound aggression that made her a formidable opponent for most of the Master of this era. Her movements flowed seamlessly and harmoniously, yet retained a raw, undeniable power.

"Head back to the temple and report to me once you find out anything!" you ordered her.

"Yes, my Lord."

Your curiosity for the activities of the Republic grew and so you called Bo to find out what they were up to on this planet full of nasty bugs.

"It is rare for you to call me first; did something happen my love?" she answered.

"The Republic seems to be planning something on Geonosis. What do you know about that?"

"Intelligence indicates that the CIS plan on building a large facility there in addition to the factory they are already building, also rumour has it that they also developed and produce a new kind of tank in those factories." the female Mandalorian explains casually.

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