Rebel's Diner

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Writer's note

Well since I've done it once I guess some of you might know what comes in this chapter. This is kinda the first romantic chapter I've ever written, wo please lower your expectations a little. Anyway you will now hear your voice for the first time, so look forward to it. As always feel free to comment as you'd like and enjoy the following.

You surveyed the basecamp, the glow of the newly erected energy shields casting an otherworldly ambiance. The air hummed with activity as medics tended to the wounded, and clone troopers maintained a vigilant perimeter. Your dark presence, though an ally to the Republic, still sent shivers through the soldiers who couldn't fully comprehend the depths of your motives.

Clone Commander Green, a seasoned officer with a stern expression, approached you with a datapad in hand. "Lord (S/N), the Republic is grateful for your assistance in capturing Poggle the Lesser. However, the decision on what to do with him remains to be discussed."

You tilted your head, your eyes narrowing with a hint of impatience. "Commander, Poggle holds information vital to the Republic's interests. I suggest he be handed over to Nathema for further interrogation. We have the means to extract the information efficiently."

Commander Green hesitated, his eyes darting between you and the datapad. "Respectfully, Lord (S/N), Poggle is a prisoner of war. The Republic will handle the interrogation. We cannot risk compromising the integrity of the information we extract."

Luminara, having recovered from the ordeal, stepped forward, her eyes meeting yours. "Commander Green, Lord (S/N) has proven to be a valuable ally. We must consider the success of our mission. Poggle's knowledge could save countless lives."

Barriss Offee, standing by Luminara's side, nodded in agreement. "Lord (S/N) and his strike team played a crucial role in capturing Poggle. We should trust in their methods. Time is of the essence."

Commander Green remained unconvinced, his gaze fixed on you. "With all due respect, my lord, the Republic cannot simply hand over a prisoner to non-Republic forces. We have protocols to follow."

You leaned in, your voice a low, persuasive murmur. "Commander, you understand the intricacies of war. Nathema's methods are efficient and ruthless. We ensure results. The Republic's protocols may delay the extraction of vital information."

Luminara, catching the subtle tension, intervened. "Commander Green, we must prioritize the greater good. Lord (S/N) has demonstrated a commitment to our cause. We cannot afford to let bureaucratic procedures hinder our progress."

After a moment of contemplation, Commander Green sighed and nodded reluctantly. "Very well, Lord (S/N). Poggle will be handed over to Nathema for interrogation. But understand, the Republic will be closely monitoring the process."

You inclined your head in acknowledgment, your dark eyes glinting with a predatory glimmer. "Your caution is noted, Commander. I assure you, the information we extract will benefit the Republic."

As Poggle the Lesser was escorted away by Nathema soldiers, the tension in the air began to dissipate. Commander Green, though uneasy, acknowledged the pragmatic approach. Luminara watched you, her expression a mix of gratitude and curiosity, as if trying to understand the enigmatic figure you portrayed.

The basecamp continued its operations, and preparations were made for the next phase of the campaign. The alliance between Nathema and the Republic held, albeit with an undercurrent of mistrust. As you looked out over the camp, the moon casting an eerie glow on the battlefield, Luminara approached you.

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