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After the successful destruction of the separatist's outpost you see Commander Havok and his troops approaching. The distant sounds of battle subsided as Commander Havok and his troops approached the aftermath of the destroyed Separatist outpost. The clanking of black-armoured troopers echoed through the rocky terrain as they neared your position.

Commander Havok walked with a purpose, his every step exuding a sense of discipline. Behind him, the mixed forces of the 41st Elite Corps and Nathema's troopers moved in synchronized formation. As they reached your location, Commander Havok kneeled the moment he reached a certain distance to you, the visor of his black helmet reflecting the moonlight.

"Lord (S/N), the outpost has been successfully neutralized," Havok reported, his voice a deep, modulated tone emanating from his helmet. "Our troops encountered minimal resistance, and the remaining droids have been eliminated. The area is secure."

You nodded in acknowledgment, the red glow of your shoto lightsaber casting a crimson hue on the surroundings. "Good work, Commander Havok."

Commander Havok rose from his kneeling position and gestured toward the destroyed outpost. "Our scouts have reported that this was the last significant Separatist stronghold in the area. The path is clear for the rest of the cleanup operation."

As you surveyed the aftermath of the battle, a small holographic device on Commander Havok's wrist emitted a soft beep. He swiftly activated it, and a blue-tinted hologram materialized in the air. The hologram displayed the unmistakable image of Luminara Unduli, her serene expression tinged with concern.

"Commander Havok, Lord (S/N)," Luminara's voice resonated through the hologram, "I've made progress in the search for Poggle the Lesser. Follow the coordinates attached to this message. I've found a cave system that seems to be a potential hiding place. There's something of great importance here."

Just as the hologram began to show the coordinates, a sudden, blood-curdling scream of a clone trooper pierced the air. The hologram flickered, and Luminara's composed face turned into a mask of urgency.

"Troopers, we're under attack! I need immediate—"

The transmission abruptly cut off, leaving a tense silence in its wake. Commander Havok's gloved hand clenched into a fist as he stared at the now-empty holographic display.

"Lord (S/N), we need to move quickly. The coordinates are still valid, and we can reach Luminara's last known location. It seems she's in immediate danger," Havok stated, his modulated voice devoid of emotion.

You nodded, the cold aura surrounding you intensifying. "Prepare the troops. We leave immediately."

The mixed unit of clone troopers and Nathema's soldiers swiftly regrouped, readying themselves for the journey ahead. The moonlit night became the backdrop for a sense of urgency and determination as the group set out towards the coordinates provided by Luminara.

The cave system unfolded before the advancing troops, its entrance hidden in the rocky terrain. The air inside was damp and cold, and the only sound was the echoing footsteps of the soldiers as they delved deeper into the darkness. The narrow tunnels twisted and turned, creating an intricate labyrinth that seemed to go on endlessly.

As the group progressed, eerie whispers of unseen creatures and the occasional scuttling of Geonosian footsteps reverberated through the tunnels. The squad moved cautiously, blasters raised, eyes darting in every direction. The oppressive atmosphere hung heavy in the air, but the soldiers, under your calculated leadership, pressed on with unwavering determination.

The first encounter with the Geonosian horde came swiftly. The tunnel walls seemed to come alive as zombie-like Geonosians emerged from hidden crevices, their eyes vacant and lifeless. The soldiers opened fire, blaster bolts cutting through the air, illuminating the darkness with sporadic flashes of light. The Geonosians, relentless and unfeeling, attacked with mindless aggression.

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