Desperate shield

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The rest of the enemy's troops had already scattered fled as you discussed the further course of action with Captain Voss.

"What are the numbers, Captain?" you ask mustering the battlefield.

"We've lost most of our troopers, but Brawl and his company are still up for a fight. Some of Marker's men made it as well. All of us can't wait to kick their asses next time they cross our way." Captain Voss reported with a hint of mourning in his voice.

"You will get your chance fast enough, so keep your moral high." you respond before turning to Commander Leo. "Get the troops ready to move out, we need to meet up with the 212th and 501st as soon as possible and due to the poor strategy of the republic, we need to do so on foot."

"Yes, Lord (S/N)." Commander Leo replied before getting the troops ready.

You and Captain Voss organized the remaining troops, ensuring that everyone was accounted for and ready to move out. Your soldiers, battle-hardened and determined, were prepared to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

As you began the march toward the landing zone where General Kenobi's forces awaited, the harsh conditions of Geonosis surrounded you. The relentless sun continued to beat down, casting long shadows on the rocky terrain. The desolation of the landscape was only interrupted by the occasional wreckage of downed ships and remnants of battle.

The sound of footsteps and the clanking of armour filled the air as your troops moved forward in a disciplined formation. Your beskar blade remained a gleaming symbol of your power and determination.

The journey was arduous, and the troops marched on with determination, fully aware of the importance of reaching the landing zone to regroup with General Kenobi's forces. Along the way, you encountered pockets of resistance from scattered enemy droids and Geonosians, but your coordinated assault swiftly overwhelmed them.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, you and your troops arrived at Point Rain. The landing zone was a chaotic battleground, with the 212th and 501st forces under heavy fire from the Separatist armies. Your timely arrival couldn't have been more crucial.

You raised your beskar blade high, rallying your troops as you led the charge to relieve General Kenobi and General Skywalker's beleaguered forces. The battle was far from over, but with your combined strength and determination, you were determined to turn the tide in favour of the Republic.

The combined forces of the 212th, the 501st, and your own formed a united front against the Separatist army. Blasters and blades clashed with droids and Geonosians as the battle raged on. Your leadership and combat skills inspired those around you, and your beskar blade, a symbol of power and honor, cleaved through the enemy ranks.

With well-coordinated tactics and unwavering determination, you and your troops pushed back the Separatist forces, gaining ground and slowly but surely turning the tide of the battle. The battle at Point Rain was fierce, but your presence had injected new hope and resolve into the Republic's soldiers.

The battlefield was a chaotic symphony of blaster fire, clashing metal, and the resounding battle cries of the Republic troops. Together, you fought with all your might to protect the Republic and ensure victory on the unforgiving planet of Geonosis.

Amid the chaos of battle at Point Rain, you spotted General Kenobi and General Skywalker, both engaged in fierce combat with the Separatist forces. Your beskar blade cleaved through the enemy, and you fought your way towards them.

As you reached their position, you raised your beskar blade and called out to the Jedi Generals. "Obi-Wan, Skywalker!" you shouted above the din of blaster fire and clashes. They turned their attention to you, briefly acknowledging your presence with nods before redoubling their efforts against the Separatists.

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