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"I've sent you a recording of the techniques you need to practice and watch out for the combination of your hips and feet. It is crucial that those parts are in harmony." you explain to Barriss via call.

"Thank you Master." she said with a genuine thankful expression but with the same lifelessness Luminara showed the first time you've encountered the two of them.

"Is something waying on your heart?" you ask, your voice cold and reserved.

"It's nothing Master. Please be safe on your mission."

The lie in those words was so obvious that you didn't need the Force to tell you, but there was no reason to concern yourself with such matters at the moment.

"What is our next target, my Lord?" Commander Havok interrupted the moment as he stepped into the room.

"I will talk to you later Barriss. Keep on practicing until I return to Nathema." you finish your conversation with her and then turn to Commander Havok after hanging up, "Why not ask our guide that question."

The two of you step outside your shuttle to see a group of Twi'leks standing before you. You choose to stay on top of the ramp to be able to overlook everyone and also to stand above them. Cham was standing in front of the crowd, wearing a smile.

"Those are people from Nabat." he began to explain, "They came here to thank you for rescuing theim."

It was important to look like a noble hero in the faces of the common folk since you wanted to take over Ryloth and so you decided to play along. Your expression changed into a kind smile and your voice was calm and bore a friendly tone.

"There is no need to thank me. I merely did what everyone with the necessary resources should've done."

Your statement was a clear shot against the reputation of the Republic, which hesitated to help Ryloth in their times of need. With those words you sowed a first doubt against those they trusted so much.

"We might not be much, we might not even be enough, but I assure you. My people stand beside you in this darkest hour of yours. Nathema is here to help you. We will fight alongside you and drive the CIS off Ryloth to free the Twi'leks once and for all. This I vow to you, the people of Nathema will not let you fight this battle on your own. The freedom of Nathema will become the freedom of Ryloth."

The crowd began to enrupt in cheer and applause to your words as Cham stepped up to you.

"You might have recruited a lot of new fighters for the resistance." he said with a smile on his lips.

"Another step towards our goal." you added.

"We should head through the Jixuan desert next. There are a lot of rural villages that suffer and after conquering it, most of the southern hemisphere will be in our hands. After taking the Jixuan desert, more Twi'leks will begin to see a change of victory and hope will rise again inside my people." Cham Syndulla explained.

"Make the necessary preparations for that step." you tell him and Commander Havok before going down into the crowd.

As the crowd dispersed, those who had chosen to join the resistance began to gather, eager to contribute to the fight against the CIS. You spent time arming and preparing the newcomers, ensuring that they were equipped for the upcoming mission in the Jixuan desert. Their determination was palpable, their spirits lifted by your presence and the promise of a brighter future.Cham Syndulla, standing by your side, oversaw the preparations with a sense of hope and renewed purpose. The bond between Nathema and the Twi'lek resistance grew stronger with each passing moment, fueled by your commitment to their cause.

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