2 am

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Hanni had been having trouble with her sleeping patterns for a while now because of her schedules. She'd pour herself a cup of chamomile tea before bed, but instead of being lulled to sleep she'd find herself sitting at their kitchen table until the early hours of morning.

Tonight was no different. Despite the fact that the clock read 2 am, Hanni found herself heading to the park just down the street from their dorm. She collapsed onto a bench and closed her eyes, hoping that maybe this time the stillness of the night would be enough to relax her into a state of slumber.

Suddenly, a soft voice broke through her trance-like state. When hanni opened her eyes, she was met with the sight of a tall, lanky boy. Even in the darkness, hanni could make out his soft brown eyes and messy curls. He smiled tentatively at hanni as he gestured to the seat next to her before taking a seat of his own.

"Can't sleep?" he asked.

Hanni shrugged, not sure what to make of this boy who had seemingly come out of nowhere. He seemed sweet though, so she nodded.

The pair ended up talking for what felt like hours. They talked about their passions, the books they'd read, and the things that made them smile, she even told him that she is an idol which caught him off guard. Hanni found herself drawn to the gentle, endearing qualities of this stranger.

It wasn't long before hanni no longer felt tired. She hadn't realized it, but this boy, who had come out of nowhere in the middle of the night, had filled her with life, hope, and unexpected joy.

Hanni and this boy ended up seeing each other every night. Soon enough, their conversations transitioned into love. This strange, chance encounter at the park had blossomed into a relationship that neither of them could've expected.

Their love became stronger and they became inseparable. They'd laugh, talk, and explore the world together as they made memories that filled their hearts with joy.

Hanni still couldn't believe it - that this boy had appeared out of nowhere one night and changed her life forever. She was grateful for the sleepless nights and for his presence, for if it wasn't for them, she wouldn't have found her soulmate.

Hanni ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now