Once In A Moon

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Hanni's POV:

I was deeply affected by the way my former lover, Y/n, had of saying my name.

The phrase "Hanni" alone seemed to cause a deep pain inside of me and i felt my tears forming whenever he would say it. I had always loved the way my name sounded in his voice and how it had made me feel at peace. We had a beautiful thing together, but it faded away.

Every night, i would often find myself lying on my bed, wide awake, replaying in my head the conversations we had and the sweet sound of his voice.

The memories of walking down the tree-lined street holding hands, singing in sweet harmony, and laughing over silly fights were all too vivid for me.

Even when Y/n was no longer in my life, the memories of him remained fresh in my mind.

It had been more than a year since we had broken up, but i still hadn't gotten over Y/n.

Yet, no matter how much i wanted to forget him, i would always find myself drawn to thoughts of him.

His presence, both physically and emotionally, was almost tangible; i would find myself asking what could have been done differently, and if the calculations i had made were wrong.

I had a look of longing as i said out loud, “We had the best love. We had something so special, and yet it’s gone.” my heart ached at the thought of all we had shared, and the fact that it was all over.

“Y/n, why did I let you go?” i wondered as tears threatened to fall from my eyes.

I couldn't help but think of all the conversations we had before they finally decided to end our  relationship.

I remembered the long talks; Y/n apologizing for things he had done, and both of us doing our best to fix the things that were broken.

But for all the efforts, it still didn’t seem to work. So, both of us agreed that it was time to let go.

Our conversation from that night still echoed in my mind: “Hanni, remember that no matter what happens I’ll never forget the memories that we’ve shared. I’ll never forget the way you used to say my name. Even if I’m not here, when you need someone, I’ll be here in spirit.”

Those words seemed so bittersweet to me now, but i knew that it was the right thing for us to do. I had tried my best to make it work, but it just wasn’t meant to be.

At times, i felt a sharp pang of nostalgia as i revisited all the days we had shared together.

I would remember all the joy and happiness Y/n had given me, and that no matter what, i would still do it all over again in a heartbeat.

In the middle of the night, deep within my heart, i still played a little tune that Y/n used to sing to me, and it was his sweet voice that reminded me that he was still there.

But now Y/n was gone, and i felt as though my world was slowly crumbling apart. I found myself questioning why this had happened, what i could have done differently and if everything had gone wrong.

Sighing, i admitted, “It’s going to take a long time for me to get over this.” i wished that it didn't have to be this way, but deep down i knew it was the only way.

Though i now had a hard time coming to terms with my pain, i found solace in knowing that i could still cling to the memories i had shared with Y/n; memories that would never fade away.

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