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Y/N's POV:

I sat alone in my room, staring at the blank walls surrounding me.

I felt empty and broken, as if all the color had been drained from my life. I couldn't believe that just a week ago, i had been happily in love with my girlfriend, Hanni.

Now, all that was left was a void in my heart, and a painful ache in my chest.

It had all started with a simple conversation, one that i never expected would end in heartbreak.

"Hanni, are you okay?" I asked, noticing my girlfriend's distant and quiet behavior.

Hanni let out a sigh before turning to face me. "No, I'm not," she replied with a frown.

My heart dropped at the confession, but i tried to remain calm. "What's wrong? You can tell me anything."

Hanni hesitated before finally speaking up. "I've been feeling...distant from you lately. I don't know, it's just...I don't think we're working out anymore."

My heart shattered into a million pieces. I couldn't believe what i was hearing. "What do you mean? We've been together for almost two years, Hanni. We love each other."

Hanni shook her head. "I'm sorry, but I think it's best if we end things now before things get any harder."

I felt the tears start to form in my eyes. "Please, Hanni. Don't do this. We can work through whatever is causing you to feel distant from me."

But Hanni remained firm in her decision. "I'm sorry, Y/n. But it's over."

And with those words, Hanni walked out of my life, leaving me alone with my tears.

Days turned into weeks, and i couldn't seem to get over Hanni's departure.

I tried to distract myself by spending time with friends and focusing on my studies, but the pain in my heart never seemed to fade.

One day, while out with my friends, i received a text from Hanni. My heart skipped a beat, thinking that maybe Hanni had realized her mistake and wanted to get back together.

But when i opened the message, all my hopes were crushed.

"Hey, Y/n. I just wanted to let you know that I've moved on and started dating someone new. Sorry for any hurt I may have caused you. Take care."

I felt like my world had come crashing down on me.

How could Hanni move on so quickly? How could she say sorry as if it made everything okay? And how could she move on and leave me behind, still heartbroken and struggling to move on?

Feeling worthless and rejected, i couldn't help but breakdown. I retreated back into my room, unable to face the world and the pain that came with it.

Days turned into weeks, and eventually, i came to terms with Hanni's decision. But the pain never fully went away, and i couldn't help but replay our entire relationship in my mind, wondering what i could have done differently to make Hanni stay.

Time passed, and i finally started to move on.

I started dating again, but deep down, i knew that no one could ever replace Hanni.

Years went by and i had achieved success in my career, but i never truly found love again.

I would always look back at my time with Hanni and wonder what could have been.

On the night of my graduation, i sat in my room, surrounded by memories of my past.

I couldn't help but think of Hanni, and how my first love had ended in heartbreak.

As i flipped through an old photo album, i found a picture of Hanni and i, taken on our first date.

Tears welled up in my eyes as i remembered the love and happiness we shared in that moment.

But then, my phone rang, bringing me back to reality. I wiped away my tears and answered the call.


"Y/n, it's Hanni," a familiar voice said on the other end.

My heart skipped a beat at the sound of my ex-girlfriend's voice. "Hanni? What are you calling me for?"

"I just wanted to congratulate you on your graduation. I'm sorry I couldn't be there," Hanni said, her voice filled with regret.

I couldn't believe what i was hearing.

After all these years, Hanni was finally acknowledging the impact she had on my life.

"You know, it was my biggest regret, leaving you like that. I don't think I'll ever find love like we had," Hanni continued, her voice breaking.

I felt my heart soften, but i couldn't bring myself to forgive Hanni for the pain she had caused. "It's too late now. You moved on, and so did I."

Hanni let out a sigh. "I understand. I just wanted to say...I'm sorry, Y/n. For everything. I hope you find someone who loves you as much as I did. Take care."

And with those final words, Hanni hung up the phone, leaving me alone with my thoughts and regrets.

As i looked at the picture of Hanni and i once again, i couldn't help but feel a sense of closure.

I had finally heard the apology i had been longing for, but it came too late.

With a heavy heart, i closed the photo album and placed it back on the shelf, along with all the memories of my past.

And as i moved on with my life, i knew that i would always carry a piece of Hanni with me, a reminder of my first love and the pain that came with it.

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