Tell me

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Y/N's POV:

I love to draw especially cartoon characters because I have a passion for them. I love the idea of designing and creating them, not to mention that they look so damn good doing it. Even if I end up drawing an ugly duckling.

My parents say I should just do a series of drawings for my class but I don't care about what others think. It is fun to draw and I love to make other people happy with my art. Not only that but I like the way drawing makes me feel at ease. It helps me relax as well as focus on something else.

Sometimes it helps me write down my thoughts. The best part of art is how creative the artist can be. I am pretty sure my favorite thing in life is to help other people be creative too.

But sometimes you just need a break and to get away from all the stress in your life. Sometimes that breaks down into drawing or painting.

There is nothing wrong with painting or even drawing the ocean or some mountains, though I prefer to do landscapes when I draw them. Some times a day you just need a change.

Maybe not the ocean or mountains but something more mundane like a beach or a park.

And there's Hanni, my crush. We've known each other since we were little. She was always the center of attention and now she has the biggest smile ever plastered across her face when she talks about being popular among boys.

Well, most of them. But she loves being surrounded by boys. Which is fine with me cause it gives me time to draw. And also a chance to talk to her. She knows everything about me.

I decided to draw her in a cartoon character, a superhero or superhero themed character.

Her hair color was the first thing I drew. She had short dark brown hair that curled around her ears and looked so soft and silky. Then I started sketching the shape of her eyes and nose. Those big cute round eyes that I love so much. I drew the curve of her lips that made her look innocent and sweet, which is exactly the way I wanted her to look.

I added wings in her back, wings that could go up to about 3 feet, which would make her extra flexible and powerful.

She didn't have the muscles for it yet but I felt confident that when she grew up she would be strong enough. Her costume was simple. A plain blue turtleneck and a pair of black jeans. Her boots matched the outfit. Overall her costume was very unassuming, almost boring.

Except for one detail, one small detail. She wore no mask, no helmet. She never hid herself.

That meant there were two options. Either the hero persona she had built up over the years was real and she was actually a really cool person, or she wasn't the hero persona she pretended to be.

I finished my drawing so I closed my sketchpad and I asked my professor if I could go to the restroom. I left my things above my desk and walked out of the classroom.

I got back to my seat and realized that my sketchbook was gone. The sketchbook was gone from its place of hiding place on my desk.

I couldn't find it anywhere. My heart began beating fast as I frantically searched through my bag. Where did it go?? Did someone steal it from me? My mind raced with possibilities. Why would anyone steal my sketch book? Wasn't it valuable? Did it get lost in a shuffle? Did it get stolen in another way?

Oh, wait. If my sketchbook was missing then somebody stole it from me. So who could have taken it? How did they take it? Did they leave fingerprints on it?

I looked everywhere and saw hanni with my sketchbook, sitting in front of her and giggling to herself as she held it close to her chest like it was precious treasure.

Then realization hits me, I remember that I have many drawings of her inside that sketchbook.

'Shit, she saw my drawings' I mumbled to myself.

after class, I approached her. "Hey hanni, I was wondering why do you have my sketchbook?" I asked innocently.

She glanced up at me and gave me a smile, but her eyes told me that she didn't quite believe me.

"Oh Y/N. You mean this?" She asked, holding my sketchbook up high to show me. I nodded slowly trying to hide the fact that I was panicking.

"This sketchbook has a full drawings of me." She said that made me more nervous.

"Tell me, do you like me?" She asked , looking into my eyes with her big innocent doe eyes.

Was she serious?! Did she seriously just ask me that? I tried to stifle the laugh bubbling in my throat that I didn't want to give her the satisfaction of making me blush.

"Yes, I do," I replied confidently.

"Really?" She asked, sounding slightly surprised.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I like you?" I replied confused as to where she was going with this.

She didn't answer me and instead put my sketchbook back in my bag. She then turned towards me again and smiled.

"By the way, I really liked the one you drew of me," she confessed.

She pulled me closer to her and whispered into my ear, "I hope you'll draw me again soon." before pulling away again and walking off.

I stood there stunned and completely confused. What did she just say? I know that I'm blushing bright red and my cheeks are probably burning.

I can't believe she just said that. I mean, I knew she liked me but I didn't expect her to say it. I guess I shouldn't be surprised though.

She's been flirting with me for months now. I just didn't realize that she liked me back. Or maybe I had, but just thought it was one sided.

I'm such a fool. I should have seen it coming, but I didn't. I should tell her now, before I lose my courage.

I grabbed her arm to stop her.

"Hanni?" I called out softly. She turned to face me.

"Will you go out with me?" I asked hopefully.

She paused for a few seconds before answering me.

"Yes" she said quietly before pulling me close again.

Her lips were against mine and my knees went weak. This time I let out a small scream.

I could kiss her back. After what seemed like forever, we broke apart. Our foreheads rested together and we were breathing heavily.

"You still haven't answered my question." I said.

"You'll see me again soon, Y/N." She answered. I grinned widely and then kissed her again.

We both giggled as our lips met.

Hanni ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now