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Hanni's POV:

My favorite spot for stargazing is at the top of a hill, its a place that i only know from books and movies where you can see the stars clearly, without the pollution of modern technology.

It's a really special spot to me, my parents take me out there all the time when i was little. When i get older it's more frequent but I still go back there every day.

There are also a lot of pretty flowers around and it's just an amazing view that I never forget.

Today i found myself sitting on this same hill with another person. It's not a date or anything like that but we just happened to be sitting here at the same time and since i was sitting in the same place i wanted to share what i see with him.

He sat right next to me, but not too close so as to seem like he didn't want to intrude on my personal space. I was glad though because we hadn't even talked much yet.

We had just been silently staring up at the sky. The moon was shining brightly tonight and it gave everything a silvery glow. It made the grass look soft and shiny.

Everything looked magical in the dark night. The lights of the city looked tiny and distant, almost insignificant. Even the sounds were muffled. No cars were passing by, no birds were singing, just silence and peace.

I sighed contently, closing my eyes and letting the feeling of contentment wash over me. Maybe being here wasn't such a bad idea afterall.

He nudged me gently with his shoulder.

"Hey..." He said softly. I opened my eyes and looked at him, trying to hide my surprise.

His voice was deep and husky, and just barely audible above the sound of the wind. But it was definitely a guy's voice. My heart started beating faster.

What does he want from me?! Why am I so nervous?! Why does my stomach feel like it's full of butterflies???

He smiled sheepishly at me before continuing.

"Sorry if that was weird. You seemed really peaceful so i didn't want to bother you by waking you up." My heartbeat slowed to a normal speed and i relaxed slightly.

So it was just him being nice. It was okay.

"So um, what do you think? Pretty cool huh?" His gaze shifted to the sky. I followed his line of sight and saw that the night sky was dotted with millions upon millions of stars.

"They must be beautiful..." I said quietly.

"Yeah... really gorgeous." He murmured back. I could see him looking at me now. He didn't avert his eyes quickly enough, however, and i caught him looking again.

Oh gosh. I don't think I've ever felt this nervous before. I looked away and tried to smile at him.

'Oh god he's cute! How did i not notice this earlier! I mean, yeah it was kinda hard to miss considering the fact that I always thought he was hot but holy shit!!' i said in my thoughts

"So, whats your name?" i asked him.

"my name is y/n, how about you?" he asked

"my name is hanni.", "how did you find this place?" i asked

"it's where i spend most of my free time when i'm not working", he explained. "How about you?" he asked

"i go here everyday." i said as he nodded

"i've seen it, but not as many times.", he admitted "and it makes sense now why this hill looks so familiar..."

"are you from here?" i asked him. His expression turned thoughtful.

He shook his head.

"then... how did you find this place?" i asked curiously. He shrugged. "i guess i just knew where to look". i giggled at the vague answer.

This guy was cute, but kind of weird. And yet somehow charming. It made me want to know more about him. Not that I mind him, but i wanted to learn more about him and see what kind of person he was.

Maybe then i would start feeling comfortable enough to ask him out.

"what about you?". he asked, changing the subject abruptly.

"what about me?" i asked curiously

"what brought you here?" he asked

"...i guess the view." i said

"the view's good. i used to come here all the time as a kid. i liked coming up here when i had trouble sleeping, sometimes i'd sit up on this very hill, and watch the stars." i mused.

"sometimes i wondered if they' s watching me..." he said.

"yeah, that's probably true," i agreed. It was strange how he managed to make it sound so sad, like he actually cared about something other than himself.

I couldn't help but wonder how someone who was so confident could look so unsure. It just seemed wrong somehow.

"you know, we should try to meet up here again sometime. we could walk the path together, maybe go to the lake." he nodded enthusiastically at my offer.

"maybe you could tell me more about yourself." I suggested shyly.

He smiled and nodded again, this time taking my hand into his.

"of course, it wouldn't be much of a conversation without talking about ourselves, right?" he grinned at me.

My face flushed red as his words sunk in, I wasn't expecting such a straightforward invitation. I tried to ignore the fluttery sensation I got in my stomach.

"okay! sure!" i replied a bit too cheerfully

We exchanged phone numbers and then parted ways. Once i reached my dorm room i collapsed onto my bed and screamed into the pillow.

My heart felt like it was gonna burst through my chest. I felt giddy and elated. I wasn't sure exactly what was going on with me, but i didn't really care. I was just happy.

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