Unrealized Dreams

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Y/N's POV:

I loved Hanni.

We had been together for a few years and were practically inseparable. Whenever Hanni had an idea, i was right there with her, helping her to make it a reality.

We had a deep love for each other, and it shone through in our interactions and conversations.

However, i knew that Hanni wanted to pursue her dreams of becoming a famous idol, and i was willing to support her in any way she needed.

One day, Hanni and i sat down and had a heart-to-heart. She told me that she was planning on leaving to follow her dreams.

She promised that she would stay connected with me and that she would keep in touch, but it was clear that she didn't want me to come with her.

I knew what she was doing was important, but it still felt like a stab in the heart.

"I'm sorry, Y/N," Hanni said, looking into my eyes. "I know this is hard, but I need to do this. I need to follow my dreams."

I know that she needs to follow her dreams, she can do it with me by her side, right? I know i'm being selfish but i can't just let her go like that.

Millions of questions and thoughts are left unsaid but i just nodded and agreed to stay behind, although it felt like my heart was breaking in a million pieces.

I wanted to be with Hanni and continue supporting her, and it was hard to let go of my dreams of having a future with her. Tears rolled down my cheeks as we hugged.

"I'm sorry," Hanni said again, resting her head on my shoulder.

"I know," i said softly. "But I understand. I'll miss you, and I'll always be here for you."

We hugged one last time and Hanni promised to keep in touch, and then she was gone.

I stayed behind, living every day like the night before, even though nothing had changed in a million different ways.

I tried to pretend that Hanni was still there and i imagined her at all the places we used to go, but it was no use.

Everywhere i go, i was reminded of Hanni, and it was like a stab in the heart every single time.

I tried to fill my days with work and volunteering at my local community center, but i couldn't help feeling a void within me.

My friends tried to cheer me up and distract me, but every conversation and activity reminded me of Hanni.

I was trapped in a never-ending loop of sadness and pain.

One day, however, i received a message from Hanni. She told me how much she missed me and how she was doing, and it was the first ray of sunlight in what seemed like an eternity.

I re-read the letter over and over again, feeling as if it was giving me and Hanni the chance to make a connection again.

I messaged Hanni back, telling her all about the work i was doing and all the different things that had changed since she'd left.

She messaged back, and soon both of us were exchanging messages regularly.

Through our messages, i caught a glimpse of the life Hanni was building for herself. I heard about her successes and failures and felt proud of her—proud of the woman she had become. And slowly, slowly, i began to feel a sense of understanding.

I understood that following her dreams was more important than anything else. And i also understood that Hanni was still a part of me, no matter what.

I was now at peace with the fact that our relationship had ended and that Hanni was chasing her dreams in a different part of the world.

I had begun to accept everything, and i felt like a different person. Every day i remembered Hanni with a smile on her face and felt at peace with the fact that i had chosen to stay behind and let her go chase her dreams.

And i knew that i would feel her with me wherever i go.

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