Make you love me

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Y/N's POV:

I liked hanni since we were still young, but I'm just too nice of a person and i am too scared to ask hanni out. I am going to die alone. Hanni never even looks at me as more than a friend. I sighed and put my phone down on the coffee table.

I tried every method in the book to get Hanni to like me, but it seems that nothing works. Maybe it was always like this and it's all some kind of test or maybe Hanni doesn't like me back. It's not really something i can be sure of. I could spend days sitting here and hoping for the best, and no matter how much time i waste, there is still no guarantee that Hanni will ever look at me twice.

The truth is that i have no idea what i would do if Hanni rejected me, because the thought of losing our friendship feels so terrifying. If i were to lose her, then what was life without her?

I can't imagine being without her. The two of us had become such good friends over the years we had known each other. She was someone who understood me better than anyone else. Even when i made stupid mistakes and didn't know what to say, she would simply smile gently and listen. When she talked, my heart fluttered. I felt safe around her. She was perfect for me.

I cried silently into my pillow, hoping that Hanni will hear me somehow, but knowing that it's probably futile. I don't think i would be able to stop crying even if she did answer my text. I let myself cry for another hour before falling asleep, exhausted.

I wake up to a knock on my door, but i didn't move. I stay curled up under my covers, refusing to open my eyes until the knocking sounds again.

A voice calls my name softly through the door. "Y/n? Are you okay?" It's Hanni. My head hurts, and i can feel a knot forming in my throat. I want to tell her not to worry about md because im fine, but all that comes out is "No. I am not." She enters the room quietly, sits down beside me on the bed, and hugs me.

The warmth from her hug seeps through my body and grounds me in reality. She's real and everything is okay, for now. She strokes my hair soothingly, murmuring soft words in my ear.

"It's okay," she whispers. "It's alright. We'll figure it out." i nodded against her shoulder and let her comfort me. I can't seem to find the strength to talk anymore, so i clinged to her like she's my lifeline.

The only thing grounding me right now is the soft sound of her voice and the feeling of her body pressed up close against yours. I didn't even notice when sleep takes over my mind, lulling me into a dreamless sleep.

I woke up with hanni beside me. Her arm was draped over me, holding me tight against her side. The pain in my head has subsided, replaced by the pleasant feeling of waking up next to Hanni. She stirs in her sleep, turning onto her side and nuzzling closer to me.

Her arms tighten around my torso and i instinctively wrap my arms around her back. She shifts slightly, and i pulled her tighter against me. I am completely encased by her warmth and she smells like home.

This is why i cannot lose her. She makes me feel safer, happier, more content. She makes me feel... loved. That's all i think about these days anyway.

Love. How pathetic. She makes me feel so loved that i cannot even bear the thought of being separated from her. She makes me feel safe. And that's when the idea hits you. A plan starts to form in my mind. Something crazy, reckless, and very possible. But also incredibly sweet. You can hardly believe it. I want to make hanni fall in love with me. I smiled to myself, my fingers slowly brushing through Hannis hair. Maybe it was worth the wait after all.

I closed my eyes again and drifts off to the sound of Hannis gentle breathing.

She dreams about a future where you two live together forever, but her future never looks quite as bright as the one in the forest.

I wake up a few hours later without hanni beside me, but she left a note...

"Let's have a dinner at my house later"

Refreshed and ready to take a step into my new life. I got up with a spring in my step as i go through my routine of taking care of myrself.

The moon is shining brightly outside, and it gives me an opportunity to enjoy the fresh air. I breathe deeply and look up to the sky. There is a full moon tonight. I watched the moon reflect off the snow as i walk.

My heart races with excitement. I haven't had a good night's sleep in months, and I'm practically bouncing with anticipation.

'This night, I'll finally confess my feelings for you hanni.' I said to myself

I reached a hill, and i spotted a beautiful mansion nestled among trees. I runned to the front door and ring the doorbell. The maid answers and asks who I am. I showed her a picture of Hanni and say that she invited me over for dinner.

The maid nods and invites me into the dining room. Once inside, i greeted Hanni and sit across from her at the small table. I gave her a bright smile as she turns towards me.

I reached out my hand to grasp hers, and she hesitantly puts her own hand into mines. The whole world stops moving. All i can see is Hanni's brown eyes staring into me. My hands are both trembling with excitement. This is it. The first step of your life. The moment of truth.

I leaned forward and kissed her. I kissed her softly, trying to convey all my affection and feelings with that action. Everything feels like it slows down as i stared into Hanni's eyes. There's a slight blush spreading across her cheeks and she seems mesmerized by my presence.

As i continued kissing her, she begins to smile into the kiss. After a couple minutes we both pull away, gasping for breath, and smile widely.

I have done it! I can see the sparkle in her eyes as she beams at me.

After dinner, we walked through the halls of the mansion and into the ballroom, which is decked out in blue lights and white decorations. We danced together in slow circles as we listen to the musicians playing the piano.

I can feel our bodies sway with the music as i twirled and spinned hanni in my arms.

"hanni, I like you," i whispered, pressing kisses against her forehead. "I'm in love with you." I heard hanni gasp slightly as she pulls me even closer to her.

I can feel her heart beating furiously against my chest. She smiles, her beautiful brown eyes shimmering with tears.

"I love you too, Y/n," she says softly. I can feel her heartbeat pounding in chest as i hold her even closer. I kissed her again, letting her melt into my arms once more.

It's almost as though the world is ending and i want to savor every moment i share with her. I can feel the blood rushing to my head, making it hard to think properly.

This is everything i wanted, everything i dreamed of. I can't believe that we are actually doing it. I have been wanting this day for so long and now that it has finally arrived, it feels unreal.

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