Unimaginable (2k Special)

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Y/N's POV:

"Y/n, can you please stop?" hanni said being annoyed as i kept on ruffling her hair while she's studying for the upcoming exam.

"Seriously." i just rolled my eyes at hanni and continued to tug on her ponytail, making her face scrunch up in annoyance.

"This is ridiculous."

"It is a bit too much, isn't it?" i asked after tucking hanni's hair behind her ear.

"You look so cute like that!" i exclaimed as i ruffled her hair once again.

"Oh my god shut up, will you." hanni rolled her eyes again,"If we don't start soon I'm going to scream and I'll get detention for the rest of the year." i just laughed at her comment.

"That would be great." i said

"Oh shush and let me concentrate. We have about 30 minutes left until we go out and find a parking space." hanni pulled out her phone and checked the time.

"Damnit, I still need to check the directions before leaving-" i was interrupted when a boy came running into the library.

"Um, excuse me but are these seats taken?" i looked up and nodded towards the two free seats next to ours.

The guy smiled at her before sitting down. "Thank you. So, what are you guys studying? Is it calculus?" i just shrugged.

"It's math, why do you care?" i replied as hanni gave me another one of her deadpan looks.

"We're actually doing an essay for an exam tomorrow. You know how many people are going to take their time on that, right?" hanni replied.

"You're a really smart kid." The guy said to hanni.

"What?!" my jaw dropped at what the guy had just told her.

I turned to hanni and yelled, "How am I so stupid???!! I thought I was taking calculus!!" I threw my hands up exasperatedly.

Hanni's mouth fell open in shock, "Wait...you never took calc?"

Oh great.


As days went by, i couldn't stop annoying hanni.

Why? Because i have a crush on her and everytime i saw hanni, all those thoughts came rushing back in my head. It was becoming harder for me to ignore the feelings now.

And i didn't want it to affect our friendship, so I tried to distract myself with work which wasn't working since all my friends were busy with exams and assignments and stuff.

My grades weren't helping either as i had to focus a lot more on schoolwork. This also made things worse as my brain only seemed to wander off when i got distracted. I mean, this was just the usual thing that happened whenever I was around hanni.

But i've been noticing some new changes though.

"Hey Y/n!" Hanni's voice snapped me back from my daydreaming state.

"Yeah?" she was looking at me with curious eyes.

"Are you okay? You look a little flushed."

"Am I blushing?" I asked incredulously.

"Uhm, well..." hanni trailed off, "Not exactly..." She looked away awkwardly. "Anyway, did you finish your homework last night? Mine was pretty hard to do since there's too much information on it."

"I finished mine earlier." hanni sighed with relief, "Good, I could use your help with mine then."

"Sure! What did you wanna know?" I offered.

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