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                 Jeon family pov
"Dad see oppa drank my banana milk again" yn said

"Yah why do always complain appa should I tell mom that you skiped the school yesterday" he said 

"What are you both talking about" dad asked

"n-nothing dad I was just asking if oppa can play video games with me" I said cutely

" Ok jungkook take care of her" dad said

"they both plays videogames for the whole day" mom said .

Dad sighs  "what  can we do now?"

Mom gave him his coffee "honey don't you think that its age for yn's wedding?"

My dad looked at her " but she's still innocent as a kid and clumsy too"

"I know but I guess she will change after her wedding i mean she will get more responsible"

"I will think about it honey" dad replied whole smiling to mom

"kids breakfast is ready" mom shouted

Yn pov

Oppa teased me beacuse I lost the game and started running I ran after him and I fell from the stairs

"OUCH" my foot hurts

"Yn be more careful " mom said

while oppa picked me up he made me sit on the sofa. I started crying

"calm down sis it's ok let me check" oppa said

"Noooooo" I yelled

"do you need to go to the doctor ?" I gulped I am scared of doctors

"no it's fine it's just a sprain I will use the spray and take some rest"

"I am sorry it's all my fault" oppa said

"It's not yours fault I should have been more careful" my dad faked coughed to gain attention

"so today I will be late as I am gonna meet Mr Kim"

my mom smiled at me

"I have a gift for Mrs Kim pls give it to her"

my parents and kim' s family are very close I never met mr Kim's son cause he is the CEO of the Kim company now

."sure honey" my dad replied he took

the gift from my mom's hands 'phone rings' it was of my dad from his work that's why I hate ceos they are always busy and don't have enough time for their family

"yes I am coming" dad says to his secretary

"you are not gonna have breakfast with us ?" My mom looked sad

" ya I am sorry honey there are important clients coming at the company today" he left the house. I feel bad for mom

  "let's eat food kids" I nodded we ate the food and I went to my room . Did I forgot to introduce myself?

I am jeon yn 22 years old. I am also known as clumsy queen .i have a elder brother jeon jungkook he is 24 years old he is very popular amoung girls but he is shy. My dad owns jeon company and my mom is a housewife she is kind
Kim family pov

"Sweety today I will meet Mr jeon " Mr Kim said

" you should told me before I should have bought some gift for Mrs jeon"
mrs Kim said

"hmmm you can give them your delicious cupcakes" Mr Kim gave advice

"oh ya I  will make them in a minute" Mrs Kim said excitedly as Mr giggled

"i am leaving" a cold stern voice that can make anyone shiver was heard it was none another than their son Kim taehyung also known as V is the most richest CEO in Korea and have branches in international countries too his father was the owner and had a small buisness his son made this company bigger and successful Back to the story

"won't you have breakfast with us son?" His dad asked him he looked at him coldly

"I have an important client waiting for me at the company" he said coldly

"o-oh okeh son have a nice day" his dad said as taehyung left mrs kim was sad

"He changed so much" mr kim tried to change her mood

"honey it's only cause of the pressure of CEO"  as being a owner of the richest company you have a lot of stress you get angry easily and don't have enough time to spend to your family

"lets find a wife that will take care of him" Mrs Kim said

"I will think about it" " I will get ready to meet Mr jeon" Mr Kim said

cold ceo husband  x clumsy Childish Wife Where stories live. Discover now