oppa cleard the misunderstanding between us

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I enjoyed with my oppa he got me icecream after arcade he sighs "tell me the truth yn" he said "oppa there are so many things happening in my life rn ... I am confused I love tae so much and he loves me too yesturday when he saw you with me he misunderstood everything and got drunk in bar his employ helped him to get home and this morning when he wake up he asked me about divorce he said that he knows that I am not happy with him and I never accepted this proposal from the start and he wants me to be happy and he said that we will talk about this tonight when he reaches home" I said he gasps "damn I thought you burned his ass in clumsiness" he said while laughing "Oppaaa it's not a joke"i said while pouting he pinched my nose and said " I will talk to him on the behalf of u" I smiled as we both went home happily ...
Tae pov
I don't know but my heart feels heavy but if it's for her happiness I will do it.... I sighed as I drived back to home . I knocked the door and jungkook opened it he was glaring me damn yn just looked like her brother... her natural black hair,  bunny smile , doe eyes.. a lot of similarity "I am here to clear your misunderstanding" he said as he let me in I walked in and saw yn sleeping on the couch I smiled at her tiny figure as I kissed her forehead "do u love her?" He asked "more than anyone" I replied "but you don't show that love to her" he said as he sighs "what do you mean?" I asked as I frowned my brows "love doesn't mean hug and kisses it doesn't mean having a good sex it's means to trust that person to love their soul.. respect their privacy " he said I understood what he meant "look jungkook I totally understand you but why are you telling me this" I asked as I looked at him "look when yn was at a candy store with a boy ..  that boy was me .. ik u felt jealous but that doesn't mean that you won't listen to her .. did u just heard her once ?" He asked I face Palmed myself as I realise "i am sorry bro I really didn't knew that and-" he cutted me of by saying "and you didn't even wanted to know about that? Why are you so insecure about yourself .. about love .. expressing it.. why r u bad at it?" He asked "long story kook  .. the main point is I realise my mistake and I will never repeat it"i said  "she really loves you hyung.. pls don't break her heart" he said as he left the house I sighed as I looked at yn I am sorry ynie I didn't knew you felt hurt I thought that I wasn't good for u or you never loved me I forget those good moments and some bad memories came to my mind I took her to the bedroom and lay her on my arm I looked at her and she looked so naive and sexy at the same time she putted a finger on my lips and wisperd "I read your diary..I know everything .. I read only 4 pages don't worry " she giggled "so you are awake?" I asked "yes and you know I controlled my laugh so hard"... she answers "but you read my dairy without my permission...so" i
said "so? "She asked as she housed "u deserve a punishment babygirl " I wisperd

Next part is gonna be 21+ read it on your own risk

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