immature but savage

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I felt a presence of .. someone behind me I gasp as the tears fall .. please tell me it's him .. I controlled my sobs as I bitted my lips.. I looked behind .. and .. it .. was .. not .. him .. was .. not .. someone .. I.. was ..expecting .. I covered my mouth in fear ..

"Hello yn long time no see" she said it was none other than jessica .. that made me heart broken.. " please don't be afraid I am not here to hurt u" she said .. I don't belive her anymore ..I looked at her in confusion and finnaly found courage .."then what are u here for ?" I asked confidently.. why should i be afraid of her.. she should have this fear after doing this all "i know I did it and I was wrong .. I accept the fact that I made a total mistake and I should move on but u know I feel butterflies whenever he is around me.. what can i do .. he makes me go crazy .. and I can't do anything" she said in total cringe but I don't know why .. I felt my heart ache .. hearing her saying this about the love of my life .. "u have to do something about it jessica because now he is my husband.."I said angrily... she smiled at my words making me confuse "look I know but does he really treat you like his wife" .. she said that made me check my words twice .. "you know how much he use to spend time with me .. I mean .. he really gives you his bare minimum and u are happy with that don't u?" She asked while laughing at me that made me trigger "look jessica I am not like u .. crazily obbessesd with someone who doesn't even give a fuck about u .. so just  don't  put your leg into  relationship .. and get a life .. move on .. that's what he did" .. I said sarcastically .. that made her chuckle " look yn you are so immature right now and I don't think so u can actually take care about this relationship and you know taehyung loves mature girls like me" she said that made me go wild  "if being 'mature' is to focus on your ex life while you have no life no personality and no work of your own so I better being immature than being a 'mature' person like you jessica" I said sarcastically she looked at me angrily " but first love is special isn't it and I was his first not you" .. she said with a dirty smile .."well u were the past he badly  want to forget and I am his present and the future ..also his happily married life" I said as we heard a sound of clapping from behind me we looked at it and ..

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