regret and guilt

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Yn pov
I fell on a broken glass the realisation hit both of us he immediately pick me up and I was crying so hard he then made me sit on the bed and slowly started to take the glass of my foot "EOMMA APPA " I screamed he put some ointment on it . If oppa was here he would play videogames with me I thought that I changed so much there are so many things happened and I didn't even talked to oppa yet I miss him "oppppa " I screamed "it's done yn" he said he had tears in his beautiful eyes if I got hurt why is he crying ?? I pushed him away I cried my heart out he hugged me with his shaky hands ," sorry sorry sorry yn I didn't meant that I was angry and i-" he said "and you pushed me to broken glass and hurted me and now you are apologising me" I said in disbelief I was never treated that badly my dad gave me a princess treatment and my brother loved me so much we used to fight over banana milk we used to play games together .... my mother was kinda strict but she was sweet she never let me work in a kitchen even tho she wished that but no one ever hurted me in the family . Men in our house didn't had man ego. I was still sobbing he put some med and covered it with cotton he wiped my tears but his tears were flowing he pulled me near and hugged me he made me lay down on the bed and covered the sheets I saw him cleaning the broken glasses and then he turned off the light and left the room my eyes went heavy and I drifted to sleep I woke up as I felt pain in my feet but then I search for him because his hand was bleeding too no matter what but I love him I get up and walk like a zombie I went to the living room and saw him sleeping on the couch he had dried tears all over his cheek his hand was covered with dry blood and a broken glass piece that made a scar all over his hand I pulled that piece away and threw that "are you crazy?" I asked as I pulled his colar "sorry yn I never meant to do that" he said with his dried lips he holds my hand and presses it tightly the blood started coming from his wounded hand "i deserve this" he said "NO YOU DON'T SILLY"

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