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"Who ?" Yn asked with tears filled in her eyes.. "someone in this company betrayed us?" Jimin asked yoongi nodded then yoongi putted turned on the Mic and said "the tesla with the number plate that says xxyy ..the owner of this car kindly come to my office" .. that made me shock "do u think that person will come?" I asked
"Surely just trust the plan" jimin replied the room remained silent until 2 minutes after that a knock on the door was heard .. yoongi smirked and nodded to jimin .. whereas jimin hidded me under the desk so it won't be too obvious " come in" yoongi said " here the owner of tesla with the number plate that says xxyy" a lady said the voice was familar "what's up lia?"jimin asked in friendly tone "everything is fine just worried about boss " she said .. lia .. she dropped tae.. when he was drunk .. the car was tesla .. xxyy.. she was so sweet to me ... she is a trusted employ and one of the best employ in Kim industries .. Why did u did that lia? My head was spinning due to all the tension .. due to all the information that was provided me few minutes ago ... my eyes were getting heavier and heavier ..everything was blurry and then I open them I found myself on the bed  there was taehyung with me he was sitting on the couch with his brown diary "U found it yn?" He asked .. I simply nodded "why did u ?" He asked again .. "because I wanted to know u .." i said "u can't know everything about me yn .. it was the past .. we had a present .. we could make a great future but u had to change the past .. and now u ruined our lives " he said angrily  ..that made my eyes shot open with tears in them. Found that was just a nightmare... Then I looked at another manly shadow from curtains "t ae?"i said
"I know u miss him so much but I am jimin .." he said as he came out that made me gasp "sorry" I mummered
Suddenly yoongi entered the room
"Come downstairs it's urgent" .. he said to jimin as he pulled him downstairs and closed the door then I think about what just happened.. I tried to get up and so did I.. Then I get off the bed and wore my slippers .. I stepped out of the room "day 4" I mummered as I cried in fear .. I saw jimin and yoongi discussing something in the living room so I went towards them "where is she ?" I wispered to yoongi in pain but he remained silent "tell me where is lia " I said again but this time loud and clear he pointed at behind me as I turned behind and ..

What Do u think?
I am so sorry but the next part is gonna be long so I made a short one to give a reminder .. so hope u like it ..

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