he takes care of you ..(read till end)

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The front door was opened ..

And there come tae .. ..

He had a bag full of candies and chocolate ..

On the other hand he had sanitary pads

With a warm smile he entered the house

He handed the bag to yn ..

Yn was stunned

"If you like it just say thank you" he said

As he tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear

"I-" yn stutter

"Hm?" Taehyung asked .. waiting for her reply

"I- I am so sorry " she said as she hugged him tightly ..

"Why are you sorry ?" He asked gently ..

"I was so rude towards you" .. she replied while hugging him in guilt ..

"Well you deserve a punishment" .. he said ..

While yn's cheeks blushed

"Now you have to spend the whole day with me "

She giggled at his words

" never knew an ice berg would melt" she said sarcastically ..

"It's all your fault" he added ..

.. time skips ..

They binge watched the dramas she liked ..

"Feeling better" he asked ..

"Much better" she replied ..

"Yn i have selected few maids and servants..They will start from tommorow" he said

Yn went quite ..

Tae holded her hands ..

"Yn i know you don't trust anyone because of the things that happened to us.. but you need to forget them" ..he said

"How can I tae?" Yn asked ..

The tears form in her eyes

"I can't .. the past still scares me .. if she comes in our life again .. if something like that happened in our future .." she said

"Ssh everything will be alright.. get my point .. she will never come back ..in our life ever again" .. he calmed her down by his words ..

"Tae it's not that easy .. that incident still freaks me out .. and how can you be so sure that it won't happened again in future " .. she said.

Tae hugged her ..

"Lets move out from this place .." she suggested

"We will talk about this later now let's sleep" .. he said

Yn nodded as he turned off the lights and laid besides her ..

Yn quickly gave him a tight hug ..

Yn slept ..

"Such a bad husband .. I am .. I never noticed that you were that traumatised by that incident" he mummered ..

He hugged her

"You are just like him " ..he said

"Goodnight" he said as he gave her a kiss on her forehead

Authors note ..
You can never forget your past .. the best way to deal with it.. is to accept it .....the secrets are not discovered .... The questions arises that why did tae wrote letters for jessica if he was the past that he wanted to forget ? ..

Story continues ..another twist will take turn

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