the idea 👁👄👁

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"I really think your idea won't work" yn said

"'How can you judge book by its cover" she said

"Well I think this dress doesn't suits me"  yn said

"'Shut up if he saw you in this dress he is gonna rip it off .. so you better pay off later" she said

"I don't feel comfortable eve" yn said

"Well you said that you will put your best efforts to fix it" eve said

"Will it work?" Yn asked looking in mirror

She was drop dead gorgeous

A cherry red dress with the heels

The dress quite  revealing

But who cares

"This will surely fix it" eve said with a smirk

"How do you know" yn asked

"'Oh if I was a man I would surely forgive such sexy lady" eve said

"Oh but he is nothing like that" in explained

"You said she liked mature girls so act like one" eve argued

"He loves me the way I am" yn said

"'Atleast give it a try this dress is expensive" eve requested

Yn sighed

"So you have to give him the lunch box .. like I said" she said

"Fine" yn agreed

"And please lock the door" she said

"Why?" Yn asked innocently

"Just do as I say" said eve while giving her a coat

Yn wore that coat ..

So that no one sees it..

You know what I mean haha

They are infront of his office room

Yn hands were shaking due to nervousness

"Eve I don't think it's a good idea" yn said

"Come on yn he is your husband" eve motivated yn

Yn sighed as she opened the door

With her trembling hands

And there was jimin sitting next to tae

They were drinking coffee

Where yn regreted

Their eyes got widen

And both spitted the coffee

Yn covered herself with the help of the coat

"I am sorry I didn't expected jimin to be in here" yn said in embarrassment


"Oh sorry I will leave  nice idea tho" he said as he left 

Taehyung went near her

He locked the door

As he pinned her

" So what are you doing here" he asked ..

"'I just wanted to give you lunch" yn said stuttering

"Anything else" he asked

"S-sorry" yn said while sobbing

Taehyung eyes softened seeing her cry

" I-i didn't meant to say all that stuff you have a right to be angry" yn cried

"I am not suitable for you .. and you deserve better .. I will leave you
.. you can marry some mature girl ..i agree that I am just stupid but please talk to me" she cried ..

While hugging him

Her eyeliner started to spoil

Taehyung was confused ..

He hugged her tighter ..

"Who said you are not suitable for me?'" He asked

Yn didn't replied

"Listen here you are perfect for me .. ok I don't care how much things you said to me .. but I can never hate my life ..and about leaving me .. it's never gonna happen.. no other girl can take place of you in my heart" he explained her z

'" You don't hate me?" Yn asked sniffing

" I can be angry at you .. I  can be mad at you but I can never hate you sweetheart" he said while wipping her tears

"Have you eaten your meal?" He asked

"No" yn replied

"Let's eat first " he said

Meanwhile ..

Eve was in canteen sipping coffee

" I know it was your idea" jimin said

"Does it matter?" Eve asked

"Miss evelyn as per interfering in your boss's life you can be fired" jimin said

"I just helped my friend" eve said

"You know she is innocent then why did you?" Jimin said while pulling her arm

"Leave me" eve said

But he harshly twisted it

" Yn belongs to respectful family  where do you belong to?" he asked  rudely

Tears started to form in eve eyes

He left her hand in confusion

It left a bruise

" You have no right to say anything about my dead parents .. atleast i am independent .. I am not born with a silver spoon in my mouth .. but I know my worth " she said as she left

"Shit-" jimin wispeard

Jimin didn't knew her parents are dead .. he didn't wanted bad influence on innocent yn .. but he broke someone's heart ..

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