found the clue

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I turned my back and I saw lia .. She had a black eye looks like she was hurt "i am sorry yn" she said ... "WHY?" I shouted as I cried but she didn't replied "tell me where is he" .. I asked while the anger filled in my eyes "she took him" she said .. "Who?".... please not her .. just don't tell me that's her "Jessica" she said in fear "n-no she is in jail" I stuttered .."not anymore" yoongi said straight that made me whimper ..
"I am so sorry yn but she kidnapped my daughter" lia cried but I had nothing left to hear .. I just can't deal with it "PLEASE STOP NOW ..I JUST WANT MY TAE .. I DON'T KNOW WHERE IS HE .. AND IN WHAT CONDITION" I shouted as I left the sobs that made everyone there emotional "yn please calm down we also want our friend and Jessica won't hurt him as she is so obsessively in love with him." Jimin patted my back saying it all "yes we don't have much time to do drama" yoongi said that made me wipe my tears .. yes we don't have time "where is he?" I asked to lia.. "I don't know .. but she mentioned that it was the first spot they met and Thats close to her heart after I dropped her in forest " lia said as she hugged her knees " yn .. tae write a diary and few pages are about " jimin said .. " about jessica" yoongi said that's made my heart ache as she is the reason of all this I nodded "we don't have much time .. jimin u ask her about the forest and yoongi u please hack the traffic cam of that route I will find that diary and figure it out" I said in cracked voice jimin and yoongi nodded as yoongi took out his laptop and jimin gave lia some water to calm down while I went to my room and I opened the drawer next to our bed and took out the pages I sighed again as I opened the second page and started reading ..
Dear diary
Today I bought jessica her favourite flowers to take her out of the prom and guess what she accepted .. I mean she thinks I am cute and I think she is beautiful.. I mean her eyes .. also She is so mature .. I like girls who are mature .. blah .. blah... blah .. blah
That made my heart aches as he described her beauty ... ugh she sucks ..
Then I read another page
Dear diary
Guess what who got the first date in a middle of forest.. a cosy cottage hut was all there .. She cook me a pie and I bought her some flowers .. .. I asked her if she lives here and she said yes she lived here but no one lives in the middle of the forest it connected xxx road that is the main road .. And it was all now I am very tierd and I will lay in my bed and I sleep ..
I read that page with tears in my eyes due to jealousy.. he never gave me flowers nor we went on some 'date' that made me wanna kill jessica so bad .. So I went downstairs with that page.. I fake coughed to get their attention and so it did .. "found it" I said "xxx road" I said again as yoongi nodded and started typing .. while jimin called cops in case ... i will ask tae each and everything about jessica once we found him ..

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