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Tae pov
I woke up having her in my arms .

I smiled

But I noticed the dried tears ..

That made me sad ..

I tucked her hair behind her ear to get a better view ..

"Goodmorning" she said with a smile..

"Morning love " I said ..

I got up from the bed ..

And went to bathroom ..

Time skips ..

I made him food and packed his lunch too ..

And here he comes making his seat on the nearest chair ..

He had worn his black expensive coat ..

And his well settled hair ..

"Like the view?" He asked while smirking ..

"In your dreams" I giggled ..

"Sure" he said ..

After having a perfect breakfast ..

He left to his office ..

It's been a long since I met my mom and dad .. I have called oppa too .. but they are too busy ..

I sighed ..

To be honest the house.. is beautiful .. And big like a castle ..

But I am tierd of this castle ..

I want to see real life ..

He doesn't allow me to work as I got sick doing all the file work ..

I got a call from my mom ..

Now she got time to call me ?

I picked it up

"H-hi" she stuttered..

I didn't replied..

She sighed

" I know you are angry with me and you have a right to be .. " she said ..

I remained silent ..

" honey please talk to your mother " she said

I just cutted the call having tears in my eyes ..

It was always her ..

My mother ..

She was always not fond of my behaviour .. of my choices.. of my decisions ..

..of me

I remember that she always compared me to my oppa

I started watching tv  ...

And there come a call of my dad ..

Oh now he got time

I answered the call ..

"Oh hey sweetie how are you my angel?" He asked nervously ..

"What do you want?" I asked ..

"Nothing just want to ask.. you if you are okay?" He asked ..

"I am perfectly fine anything else?" I asked


I cutted the call ..

Can u please stop..

Every Thing changed after my marriage.. .

My mother ..

My father ..

My oppa ..

My personality ..

My life ..

Now I just a completely different person ..

I can't go back to my childhood ..


To the family I always lived in ..

Because they didn't get any time to see their daughter ..

When she was all alone ...

cold ceo husband  x clumsy Childish Wife Where stories live. Discover now