he took me to his office and i got drunk...

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The sun rise and someone was waking me up "5 min more mom" I said "I am not your mom yn now wake up or else we will get late" he said "I forgot to buy clothes again " I said while waking up "that's why I bought them yesterday after my work" he said "you bought me clothes" I looked at him with wide open eyes I can't believe "they are kept on the couch take a bath I will cook food" damn he looks perfect in his black coat I took a quick shower and then wore a black oversized tea and a grey baggy jeans I just wore sneakers I went to the kitchen And then I smell tasty food "come here let's eat" he said while serving the food " you don't know how to cook?" He asked I chocked on my food he gave me the glass of water then I nodded " what did you eat before then?" He asked "cup noodles, chips and pack-" he was cutted by taehyung" that's so unhealthy u should have told me before " he said "sorry" he just sounds like my mom "let's go now" we went to his luxurious car and he started driving I was admiring his features "stop staring at me " he said he found me staring at him damn it's embarrassing we went to his office building that was a huge and then every one bowed at us when we went to office I saw jessica sitting on his chair while looking at his photo " baby you brought her today?"she asked while looking at him in a disgusting way "such a burden doesn't even know how to cook" jessica taunted me a tear slipped on my cheek and then taehyung took jessica away from his office room while holding her hands I felt so broken he is showing two signs he cares for me and then he goes with the jessica girl is she his girlfriend? I sat on the couch and then looked at the book shelf there was some bottles of wine and beer kept there I took them and started drinking it I want to swallow the sorrow in my neck I drank 2 bottles and a half bottles taehyung took the the bottle I was drinking "what are you doing?" He asked " what I am doing? What you are doing " I replied "what did I did ?" He asked "you broke my heart go to your jessica" I said while pushing hum away "You hold hiccup her hands hiccup " u hiccup are bad bad bad boyyyy " I said "do you love me " he asked "bery muchhh you ice berg But youuu don't lava me" yn said while tears in her eyes "who told u that" taehyung asked while removing hair from her face "Usaid yoh will never touchhh me aGaIn waeee" yn stand while pouting "you like when I touch u" taehyung asked while smiling at her cuteness "yeshh butTer fLiEs In My tUmMy" yn said "Mr Kim here are the files" his secretary said "check them and I am taking off today" his secretary was shocked as he never took an off for any one in this world before he covers his black coat on yn and then pick her up in bridal style then took her to car here jessica was staring at yn in jealously "ArE u KiDnApInG Me" yn said while putting her head on his shoulder then he put her in the seat next to him and then she pulled his collar " YoU TuRn Me EvErYTime" she whispered in his ears "honey I thought you were innocent" he chuckled darkly "I WaNt YoU To RuIn My InNocENCe DaDdY" yn said while hitting her lips this was enough to turn the beast on he kissed her lips like a hungry beast and yn slept ,"ha this is so wrong you turned the beast on get ready for your punishment baby girl" then took her to her bedroom
Author thingy
Next part gonna be 21+ read it at your own risk

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