divorce ? or not

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I opened my eyes and saw tae he was looking so naive so preety until I fell of the couch "ouch" I said then I saw the diary that I hidded I opened it again and read 2nd page
Dear dairy
Sept 3 2017
My dad is trying to get close to me but how can I trust him.. he broke my trust too many times he made me the 'perfect' boy he thinks that showing emotions are your weakness so j went cold, he said join the buisness company , I joined it but I walked on my father's footpath and now no one notice me .. I wanted to be myself I didn't wanted to be mature at a very young age I wanted my childhood but I never get it ,my mom is very beautiful lady .. by inside and outside she loved me but not to disappoint his husband she took his side.. grandma was the only person who loved me the way I was.. she was the most beautiful lady I have ever knew her brown eyes, simple face and the most beautiful smile she was like a snowy winter .. and she called me winter bear .. everything changed now .. I only felt love by her .. I didn't had friends I had to maintain my rich class , your winter bear changed a lot grandma
I sighs as I read the second page he wrote the diary on her every birthday that shows that he wants her I can not read till the end at once because it has written with so many expressions and emotions that made it difficult to read but I decided to read one more page
Dear diary
Sept 3rd ,2018
My dad wants to take care of my mental health after ruining it .. he wants me to get married but I don't wanna I want to be successful more than him and show him that I walked better on his footpath .. he is trying understand me now after ruining my life my complete life after changing me .. I changed myself to get love from my parents .. that's funny right I don't care about my family anymore I only care about my work and myself ..I never wanted to be like him .. anger issues .. cold .. male dominant.. and not caring about his family only caring about his work .. belive me when my mom was having delivery he was not there he was in buisness meeting then when I was born he didn't saw me for like 5 years and my grandma took care of my mom,my mom cried days and night and he finnaly came from America and he didn't even appolgise for what he did .. he didn't thought it was his mistake .. I hated him from my childhood because he compared Me so much he never let me live peacefully in my childhood ... he ruined my life and I can never forgive him
This page made me gasp in anger how can any one forget his new born son for 5 years and then suddenly appear and didn't even said sorry .. I am sorry tae .. you went through a lot .. I was planning to read this later because it's already too late I got up and picture fell from the diary I picked the picture and it was an old women her white hair ,brown eyes and preety smile... wait is it his grandma pic omg she is really preety I kept that picture inside that diary and kept it in my cupboard then I went to living room again and I fell on taehyung he opened his eyes and those were so preety "tae-" I was cutted by tae "no need to explain yn ik that u don't love me and it's not working out" tae said what does he mean " w-what do mean" I asked "let's get divorced .. u never wanted to marry me anyway" ... I was stunned my his words divorce ... really??? No "tae-" I was again cutted by him getting up from the couch n-no.... why no words were coming out from my mouth no words really pls tae just once I want to explain everything I want to give u a tight hug I want to cry on your shoulder but I am too stunned to move I can not even move a bit tears were rolling down from cheeks finnaly I let out a word "t-tae just once listen to me pls just once" I pleaded "i am late for the office yn we will talk about this properly when I come back" he said as he went to the bathroom and took a shower then he wore a black coat and pants he fixed his tie and left without breakfast I gasped in fear ... because I love him all the preety momment were roaming in my mind like meeting for the first time ... shopping with him ... wedding ... our first night... I still remember jessica I still hate jessica I wanna forget about jessica I cried I consoled myself that I will confess my feelings to him how can someone be so stoopid I remember how he took care when I was drunk he noticed my jealousy towards jessica and then he made me work in his company ... oh wait company I am not in a mood to go there for deal with him rn I want someone to console me I opened my phone and called oppa ... oppa came to our house "what did he did to you?" He asked "nothing oppa " I cried on his shoulders ... "oh sweetheart stop crying you wanna play games?" He asked I nodded probably games would change my mind he took me to arcade "o-oppa thanks for being with me" I said " I will be always there for u my little bunny" he said "let's go now " he changed the topic and took me to some games I enjoyed it .. my mind feels relaxed

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