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We turned our back we saw yoongi clapping while having a big smirk on his lips "well done jessica thanks for helping us to find you so easily" jimin said as he came out from his hiding spot "you" jessica said while gasping in confusion .. and then taehyung came out "well it's over now .. so stop this game " he said .. my heart melt as soon as I see him .. a sigh of relief hitted it .. I ran towards him "I am sorry yn" he said as he smiled. .. but I hugged him tightly and started crying ..while he patted my back "i thought the game just begin" jessica said as she took out the gun and pointed at taehyung and me I hugged me in fear  .. "no jessica .. the game is finished" said the officer behind her as they handcuffed her and took the gun from her "o-officer u must be mistaken .. I do not belong to prison -" she said being cringy but she was cutted by the officer " we know that jessica so we are sending u to mental hospital .. far away from here .. and u will not be able to escape  this time " said the officer ... as they took he into the van .. I looked at tae.. he looked so weak .. his lips were dry .. and his eyes were puffy .. with a bruise on his left cheek .. I kissed his dry lips.. and  carassed his bruise .. the sobs.. the tears .. the pain .. I let then out finnaly .. while jimin and yoongi sighed at us doing a lovey dovey thing ..he broke the kiss and we took some air .. I smiled at him .. and so he did .."today .. I will share my feelings with u " he said that made me smile as the tears flow .. "when I first saw u .. I thought it was love at first sight .. I felt weird .. I felt love .. I couldn't stop thinking about you after that day .. you made me change my ideal type .. u ate not immature but my  childish and clumsy baby .. and you know that's very cute .. and when u were drunk in my office ..I got to know that u also feel same thing about me .. and u made my every day special .. every time we do it .. u make me feel special.. every thing u dome for me .. that made me feel special  .. u are special.. .. I don't want that so called wannabe  mature yn .. I want that childish .. and clumsy baby that I loved at the beginning " he said.. that made me sob I nodded "I promise I will not change myself ever" I said as he smiled at me "yo now you guys do this lovey dovey things at home" jimin said .."ya we don't wanna see live porn" yoongi added .. with a straight face that made every one laugh .. we went home and I sat on Tae's lap all the time playing with his tie "u stink" I said while scrunching my nose "u too" he said as pinched my nose .. "cringe alert" yoongi said while making a disgustful face that made us laugh

cold ceo husband  x clumsy Childish Wife Where stories live. Discover now