love and jealousy

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This man is crazy I can see that he pressed the glass on his hand in guilt but who does that what's wrong with me why he gets so angry I treated him would and he treated mine we both helped each other he picked me up and helped me to walk with his legs and I helped him by doing things with my hands ... that was crazy but it's true now he is telling me to write a message to Mr min about the cancel the meeting .. we spent time together "I never thought it would be so interesting to get hurt"he said as he was cuddling with me ,"You are crazy tae" I said "not more than u" he said while pinching my nose .. "ouch it hurts " I glared him while rubbing my nose he laughed at my cuteness "let's watch your fav kdrama" he said "REALLY???" I shouted in excitement he laughs at it every thing was going perfectly then he had a phone call... ughhh "yes Mr Jung? " it's from his work "DON'T YOU KNOW IT WAS IMPORTANT?" He shouted at the phone call and i sighs as I know that he have to go now I know that we can not spend much time now and I get it but it still sucks , he cutted the phone in hurry And kissed my cheeks "honey I have to go" he said I blushed and nodded he smiled at my reaction I can't help but think about it that it was so good today everything was perfect and then ... ugh I hate it I tried to stand up but I fell as it hurts I get up taking support from the wall and saw every thing I miss my oppa I miss my dad I miss my mom and I miss tae too because I love him so much i looked at my feet and saw that they were bleeding as I fell down I tried to call tae but he was busy I do not have any friends I called my oppa ",oppa pls come home emergency " I cried after 5 min he was at door he picked me up and took me to the doctor ...
The doctor said that there is still a small piece of glass on my feet they removed it and gave me medicines and tommorow will be my blood test.. And i am scared of injections "oppa pls no injection" I pleaded "first tell me how did this happened ?" He said strictly glaring me "oh- I-i broke a cup and fell on it " I said as I faked giggled
"Ah what can i except from a clumsy person like u" he said as he face Palmed "i missed you oppa so much" i hugged him as I cried he patted my back "I missed u too" he hugged me ..."lets go now" he said "where?" I asked "you will find out soon" he said as he picked me up and took me to some candy store "OPPA THANKYOU SO MUCH I LOVE-" I was cutted my oppa covering my mouth with his hand "speak slowly u little cow" he said I pouted in anger "fine let's go now~" I said as I forget my anger and went with him and then he made me sit on the nearby couch and gave me a lot of candies.. I was enjoying I felt like I am old yn after so long
I know that yn loves candy I am here to buy on for her cause as an appolgise I regret doing it she still cares for me... but I never felt like this before .. a feeling of love I never felt that I just had a gf before because I thought that I love her but now I understand the difference between love and attraction I was attracted to her ... I never felt love from my parents too... they just forced me to do this buisness and now I am obsessed with it i was so lost in my thoughts as I reach to the famous candy store I parked my car as I reached inside the shop I saw yn there she was eating candies and some boy was sitting infront of her I could not see her face but I saw yn smiling , laughing and talking to that guy ... tears formed in my eyes as soon as I step out of the store yn saw me she tried to get up but I didn't care anymore so she have someone better who cares for her , who loves her better than me?? I trusted her now I think that I am not good in love I never was ... I never knew how does it feel I felt it for first time and why did yn did it ??why yn I drove back to the bar to calm myself I had couples of drinks and some more drinks and some more to remove to pain in my heart that to chill that burning heart .. is it what jealousy feels like ?

Author -
Taehyung is new to love and so is yn but the only difference is the upbringing yn also felt love by her dad and her brother but taehyung had no one to love and his parents just wanted him to be perfect CEO
After seeing yn at candy shop with some other boy made taehyung jealous... he has trust issues and trust is the only thing that is needed in any kind of relationship.... the story continues from the next part
(Arriving soon)

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