things are getting fixed

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Jimin was sitting on the couch regretting his life decision

Did I overreacted?

"Ugh what did u did jimin" said jimin

Doorbell rang

Jimin sighed as he got up

And opened the door

"What r u doing here?" Asked jimin

"I know jimin the things I said in the past.. but let's forget it" said Taehyung with a weird smile

"It was just 1 hour ago" said jimin ..

" Well past is past" tae said with akward laugh

"Fine I also think I overreacted " said jimin

"You surely did .. and because of you-" taehyung words were cutted by yoongi's glare

"Oh you are here too" said jimin

"I am here too" said evelyn with a smile

"Aren't you mad at me?" Jimin asked

"Does it look like?" Asked yoongi

'"No" said jimin

Eve passed a smile

"Look we are friends and we fix it together" said Taehyung

"I need to apologise to yn" said jimin

Everyone gasped

"Ya it was not her fault it was just too over" said jimin

Everyone nodded

"So do i" said yoongi

"You guys better do it" said eve

"I am going there tommorow for dinner if you guys wanna join me?" Asked tae

"Is that even a question?" Asked Evelyn

"Duh" said yoongi

"Ya so we have to make plan" said jimin

"For what ?" Asked yoongi

"I make the best plans" said evelyn

"Oh please no more plan" said tae

Everyone laughed


Yn was at the hospital

"What happened to her?" Asked jungkook

"Nothing wrong" said daughter with a smile


"See mr jeon jungkook I know you are caring brother .. but that doesn't allow you to shout on me .. so dare to do that again and see the consequences" said Amanda

She looked at her parents

"I know things between me and your son has changed but that doesn't mean that I will do anything to hurt yn .. she is an innocent soul .. and much better than her brother" said Amanda

Jungkook left

"So what happened to her" asked her mom

" she is pregenet " said Amanda

"What-?" Asked her mom

Amanda nodded

"But she vomitted blood is this something to worry about?" Her dad asked

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