idea really worked ;) 21+watch it on your risk

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Yn and taehyung were done eating lunch

"Btw who gave you this idea?" He asked

Yn didn't replied as she knew that eve' S job can be in danger

"Come on yn do u think I am a fool I know you can never make such move so be honest and tell me" he asked

"My friend" I said

"You made one?" He asked

Yn nodded

"In this company?" He asked

Yn nodded

"Who?" He asked

"But promise me you would not fire her or do anything ..she is my only friend please" yn requested..

He sighed "sure now tell me " he said

"Evelyn .. eve"yn said

"She made you wear such dress" he said angerily

"You said you will not do anything" yn said

"Btw you know I really like the idea .. I never expected a  cutie like you in such dress" he said with a smirk

That made yn blush so hard

"Someone is blushing" he teased

"S-shut up" she stuttered

He looked at yn sexually

"You know what I am feeling right now?" He asked

Yn placed her hands on his ;)

"Yn you are making it worse" he said

"Really daddy?" She asked sexually

He unzipped his pants

" put it in your mouth" he demanded

Yn put it in her mouth ..

And started sucking..

He groans

He didn't knew that what was the 'real plan'

"Oh yes " he moans

But then she stopped

"You will regret it yn " he said

As he removed her dress hurriedly

Tied yn hands with his belt

She was wearingnothing underneath

He gave her a harsh spank on her ass

"Ahh sorry" yn cried

"Do you think I will forgive you" he said

With another spank

Made her cry

"It hurts " Yn whined

With 10 spanks her ass was red

He made her sit on the table

He started sucking her boobs while massaging another one

She was moaning as hell..

But then he stopped

He entered his one finger in her pussy

That made her moan louder

He started to thrust his finger..

She was moaning even louder

"I am near" she said

But he stopped

"Why?" She whined

He inserted 2 fingers now

"D-daddy slow down" she mummered

'He removed the fingers ..

He then inserted his dick

'And after a while of thrusting..

"I-i am close" she said

"So you want me to let you cum?" He asked

Yn nodded

" use your words" he asked

"Let me cum daddy" she pleaded

"Just wait for some time we will cum together " he said

After some time

They both cum together

He let his dick out ..

Yn was too tierd to even put her clothes on

Yn dose of to her sleep

He made her lay on the table where else he cleaned the room

Then he made her wear his shirt

"Mr Kim do u need anything?" Yoongi asked sarcastically

He picked her up.. and layed her on the couch ..

And covered her with his coat ..

"Hyung I really missed you" he said with a hug

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