when you stained the bedsheet with period blood

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Yn woke up .. and saw no one beside her ..

She heard water running in bathroom

He is taking a shower she sighed

She almost got up and made her bed but then she saw -

She saw-

A blood stain

She remember she forgot to change her pad yesturday night ..

She Then heard the bathroom door unlock

She jumped into her bed and took the blanket

To cover everything-..

He came with a towel tied on his waist

And another with other towel he was wiping his wet hair

YN memorized the look of his

Perfectly toned abs.

Dark brown orbs

And with a smirk

He said "liked the view"

That made yn flustered

"I wasn't looking at you" yn stuttered

"Oh I see .. then why your face is like red tatotoes" he said with his smirk ..

Yn was embarrassed and covered her face with the help of the blanket

"Aren't you late for your office?" Yn asked still hiding in his blanket

"My wife wants me to go to office even on Sundays?" He asked

Yn felt happy and embarrassed at the same time ..

She planned to wash away the stain once he go to office ..

But now it's his holiday .. he will stay at home ..

She was too embarrassed to get up

Which make taehyung very worried

"Are u ok yn?" He asked

"Ya" she replied

'"Then let's have some brunch?" He asked

But there was no reply

"I am not that hungry" she said

Taehyung thought that yn is still angry about yesturday thing

"What's wrong yn?" He asked

"Nothing really" she replied .

"Then why are you hiding in the blanket and not getting up?" He asked

"Tierd maybw" yn said

"R u still mad at me?" He asked

"No" yn said firmly

"Then why r u acting up strange?" He asked again

"I am not acting up strange" she said

"Then aren't you excited for my holiday ?" He asked

"Who said I am not excited " she replied

Taehyung noticed that she was trying so hard to stay in the bed .

"I know something is wrong yn" he said

"Ya" yn replied

"If you don't tell me how will I help you ?" He asked as he sighed

"Then please leave" yn said being embarrassed

Tae noticed that she was hiding herself in bed

"Could u please get up?" Taehyung asked

"No" yn said

"Yn get up" he said

"No" she replied

"Yn" taehyung said in frustration

"No taehyung get out" she said

Taehyung Was in total frustration and pulled yn harshly ..

Yn had tears in her eyes in embarrassment

Taehyung saw the blood stain

Yn gulped in fear

"I-" taehyung stuttered

"I am so sorry tae I will clean it and-" yn said while sobbing

Taehyung looked at her being confused

He got to knew that she is embarrassed

"Ssh" taehyung said as he putted a finger on her lips ..

Told her to be quiet

"Its Not even your fault yn .. it's conpletely normal" he said

With a warm smile

"And I am so mad at you" he added

"Why?" Yn asked

"Don't you feel comfortably around me .. your husband?" He asked

Yn kept quiet

Taehyung hugged yn

"I will clean it just take some rest" he said

Who can be so nice?

"No need tae-" yn said

Her words were cutted by tae

He picked her up and went to bathroom

"Clean yourself" he said as he went out

Giving her privacy

She cleaned herself and took a warm bath

She also changed herself

And went out

And saw

Taehyung changed the bed sheet

Yn looked at him confused ..

"Take a sit make yourself comfortable" he said ..

as he putted the stained bed sheet in the washing machine..

Yn looked at him with a warm smile

Appreciating his efforts

She thought he would act completely different

He left the room for a while

Should I end the story?

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