found pages of his past love life .. it burns my heart

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"The cops bring me back home .. they said they can find u tae .. and I need to trust them but what matter is your safety pls be safe love they will find u soon" yn prayed while holding his picture.. she remembered something .. she went to living room and looked under the table where she hided his diary ..few pages fell down .. she picked uo then and she started reading . The title was jessica and heart drawn next to it.. she felt her heart was burning jealously but the curiosity rose up so she decided to read ..
Jessica ♡
Dear grandma
Today I met a girl at college .. she is gorgeous and she understands me the way you did .. she has long lustrous hair that make her unique from others her name is jessica .. and you know she supports me alot she told me that I will be a big buisness man when we grow up and she believe me that I will achieve my dreams.. not gonna lie she is very cool..
Will give you updates
Bye grandama I miss u alot
.. I read the first page and my heart got broke but I should understand that it was his past but still .. reading about your lover's past love life .. it feels so weird.. so jessica was the first girl not me ..I feel anxious..I feel trembling.. a panic I called my oppa ..
He picked the phone "oppa" I tried to control my tears and my cracking voice " yes my little bunny.. are u alright?" Jungkook asked I kept silent I heard him sigh "bunny I know what happened to taehyung ..I know it's very sad but we have to face this " he said "how did u get to know about this?" I asked In confusion " didn't u saw the news? He is the richest CEO in Korea and in every channel the news has spread like a fire in companies and a lot of rumour are that the opponent must have something to do with it .. mom and dad were also very worried about you and him.. and the sudden news
Worries us a lot.. I was trying to call u yesturday but no one answered .." he said it all "oppa " I can't control my tears now .. "bunny you alright?? Pls don't cry my little carrot .. you know taehyung is very strong and I know he will come back!!" He said firmly "he will come back right?" I asked while controlling my sobs "surely my bunny don't worry .. we all are praying .. and u have to belive in him .." he said softly "I belive in him .. I trust him" I said smiling "that's the spirit .. and something else u wanna share?" He asked "how did u know?" I asked in confusion "I am your brother my bunny now tell me?" He said while laughing "is first love special?" I asked in a sudden .. I don't even know why I asked him the question but ya "why this ques tion so sudden?" He asked with a confusion giggle .."just wanted to know" I said simply as I can't tell him everything .. I want to know if jessica is speacial to him .. more than me??.. "yes ,first love hits different as it is the first time you feel that .. everything about love is new to you and you just wanna explore more ..and more .. to be honest .. it is special .. the new feeling .. new emotion .. something strange happens to u but u like it a lot.. but why do u ask bunny?" He said .."what if you fell in love with a wrong person in the first time?" I asked again "that happens in almost cases as you are new to love but that breaks your heart into pieces .. u don't care about anyone .. u get trust issues and insecurities .. bunny can I ask u a question too?" He said "ya sure" I replied "is everything alright?" He asked.. " oppa I just miss him a lot already .. I am worried and scared "I said "i totally understand bunny .. but you know the relationship goes with three things " he said  "and what are those?" I asked "trust ,love and respect " he replied "bunny i will call you back .. my phone's battery low bye bye" he said "bye" I replied I ruining our relationship .. I love you a lot tae.. just be safe ..I trust u ..I cried in the end ..hoping u will be safe .. pls just be here with me safely

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