shopping for wedding with him???

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My dad gave me the money for shopping but i never went to shopping alone my mom and dad is busy with their work plus oppa had a date today so I decided not to disturb him to be honest I don't have any friend I was always a quiet girl in our school I was not good in studies not in sports and everyone ignored me that's a sad past but a true reality of people I was roaming around the mall for about past half our and now my feet were paining then I saw a figure a familiar one Wait is it taehyung he was at Gucci store dude that's expensive he was looking so perfect- no wait did he looked at me did he found out that I was staring at him for 5 min!?He frowned his eyebrows and started to come at my side dude even that is perfect "What r u doing here and why were you staring at me ? Oh shoot he found out I blinked my eyes several times "Oh i- I was here for shopping"i said while looking down "alone? Your parents said that you never went to shopping alone ever?" I looked at him confusingly "when did they said that to you-" he sighed and said " on a call that's why I am here u dumbo I was just checking some stuff from new collection of Gucci" I was shocked "what else they told you about me" I said while my mouth wide open I am looking so stupid right now "they said that u are very clumsy and even got lost in this mall because of you ran to the icecream stall and then you started crying-" taehyung was cutted by yn "OK ok stop" I was embarrassed how can my parents tell him about that? "So let's go in this section" he said while dragging me "but it seems expensive-" he chuckled "do u even know who I am?" He said I know He is the most richest CEO in Korea. And then we decided the perfect dress for me. We went to an expensive restraunt after that and I was shocked after hearing that he owns this restraunt "So u know that we r getting married tommorw" he said "yes" I mummered it was enough loud for him to hear "So there r some rules" I looked at him being shocked dude he was being so nice an hour before "rule no 1 if u want to go outside take the bodygaurds with u or I'll go with" I grinned at his first rule "second we will not live with my parents " he said calmly " SO we will live on road!?" I Said "No obviously not we will live in my Mainson" I said while nodding " rule no three stay away from me when I am angry" he said " why?" I asked He said while eating the food "cause I don't wanna hurt u" he said which was enough to make my heart flutter "only 3 rules do u have any for me ?" He asked "none just don't break my heart" it was hard for him to control his smile "let's go" he said while getting up and paid the bills he dropped me to my house as soon as I went to my house I saw them sitting there like my dad and mom didn't had any work " hi sweety how was your time with him?" My mom asked "you both lied to me" I Said while having tears in my eyes u hate how sensitive I am sometimes "honey we wanted you to spend some time with him" I didn't want to listen anything they lied because they want us to spend time together but it's not us thing yet we both are so different sometimes I think I don't deserve him he is richest CEO, elegant and so handsome he is just perfect his eyes are so mesmerising while me I am not like others I am quiet stupid clumsy dumb and perfectly imperfect I didn't had good grades I love to read novels I am obsessed with them will I be able to be a perfect wife as him

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