jessica is back!?

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"Yn" i woke up from a nightmare I found myself in a room it looked so old I had bandages over my wounds .. where is my yn? .. a lady entered the room covering her face .. I closed my eyes pretending to be unconscious then she checks on me .. and she gave me a hug and left the room and locked the door I opened my eyes immideadly after she left I tried to get up but it hurts .. every wound on me..  is paining .. I bite those lips to control my shout .. I just want my yn .. my vision is dizzy I got up not caring about the pain .. I banged the door "YN R U HERE.. YN ARE YOU HERE ..YN YN" I shouted her name several times but no replied suddenly the door gets opened and that girl came again she removed her mask "jessica?" I said in confusion .. I frowned my brows but she gave me a smile "I missed you my boo" .. she said.. as I slide her away "WHERE IS MY yn " I shouted angrily "she is safe" she said as she grinned her teeth in jealousy.. she pushed me to the bed "you need to rest" she said "I NEED MY YN" I shouted back .. glaring at her .. " she is not yours.. she was never yours" she said .. in some other tone that was not normal "Jessica move on" I said as I pushed her back "I AM YOURS MY BOO .. I WAS YOURS .. AND I WILL BE YOURS FOREVER"she shouted .. she seems to be obsessed "THERE WAS NO LOVE IN OUR RELATIONSHIP"i shouted the fact that will hurt her but it's the truth she should know it .."I AM SO IN LOVE WITH U .. CAN'T U SEE IT" SHE shouted "THERE IS A DIFFERENCE BETWEEN LOVE AND OBSESSION JESSICA" I shouted back it's not love it's craziness .. omg cause for the shouting my wounds  started hurting.. my eyes felt sleepy and then every thing turned black

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