if he doesn't belong to me.. he doesn't belong to you either ..

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I feel much better as I sip some water

" boo how do u feel now?" Jessica asked ... but instead of replying I looked into her eyes with emotionless expression .. that made her sigh ..

"U gonna be like that?" She asked again but I ignored that question ..

"please boo .. just give me another chance" she whined but he didn't respond

"that yn is taking u away from me .. I don't like it" she said with a dark chuckle

"u loved me so much before" she said

"not anymore" he said while he stood up

"sometimes u fell for a 'wrong' person .. We are not made for each other .." he said emotionlessly.

. "u liked mature girls didn't u .. then why yn .. She is not mature .. She can't take care of herself .. how will she take care about u .. I am the wiskey u want .. i have always been dream girl then why ." She said

"yn is the water I need .. It's essential.. And probably at some point you were my dream girl I won't deny .. but now I belong to someone else .. I am married " I said angerily

"wow Mr Kim u fell in love with immature girl .. And because of it you are leaving the girl who is always been with u" she said..

"the only one who is acting immature is u jessica" I said ..


" Whatever was between me and you has been over ..i have moved on .. why can't u " I explained her she hugged me

"boo please u were the one who loved me that much .. And now u are going to leave me" jessica said

"i know it hurts but it's over jessica .. u need to understand .. u will find someone better than me" I said as I left her hug she looked at me with her teary eyes

"Can't u be with me ?"Jessica asked..

"no I can't jessica" I said while getting up ..

" please jessica .. forget about me .. leave my life .. I don't love u anymore .. It's over" I said while going out of the cottage .

. " No boo pls i love u so much" she said.. but he didn't listened.. that made jessica laugh like a psycho..

" do u think I will leave u this easily .. u belong to me boo " she said while smirking as she wiped her fake tears ...

"poor YN u going to suffer now.. If he doesn't belong to me then he doesn't belong to u either" .. She said

" just wait and watch " she said as she continued laughing

I am so sorry for posting it late .. new part coming soon .. the story continues

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