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I woke up in our bed my head hurts I can sense myself naked and I look at taehyung who was touching by b**b and the "what happend" I asked "I thought you feel butterflies in your stomach when I touch you" he said while smirking and it can make anyone blush he squeeses it that made me moan "do you like it?" He asked I was to shy to tell him "Baby girl I want answer" he said while playing with my nipple moans I nodded "hm do you want more" he said while stop touching me I sighs in disappointment and nodded again "beg" he said while sitting on the bed "I want you to touch me more please" I begged "on your knees you deserve a punishment" he said "for what?" I asked "just teaching you some rules in the bed" I layed down on his lap and then a spank "first call me daddy" he said I started whinging as it hurts "ok daddy but pls slow down" I said spanks " do as I say" he said "Ok taehuy-" I was cutted by a hard spank I cried "it hurts" he touched by butt and put ointment on it then he put his whole length in me and waited for me to adjust as I was still a virgin and in and out I was moaning mess then he take it out and stare at me being a mess then he kissed me and gave me blanket and lay down on the other side this was the best "I wake up by the sunlight and I wasn't able to get up as it hurts a little but ya not that much  taehyung came and picked me and took me to bathroom and filled the bathtub and removed their cloths I was trying to I was trying to hide my body "I saw everything last night" he said while pulling her hands away the they took a shower "was I too rough?" He said while caressing my stomach I nodded "it hurts" I mummered "sorry" he said in a guilty tone "but I enjoyed your wild side" I said while blushing "I would do it right now but you are sore" he said while smirking "its doesn't hurt that much to be honest" I said while sitting on his lap and started moving he groans I stopped "your turn daddy" I said while seductly bitting my lips he started fingering me I can feel his long fingers inside me thrusting me my moans were uncontrollable "I also like this side of yours my babygirl" I nodded while moaning then he stopped and we clean ourself and went to the kitchen he was carrying me on his back while I was not feeling  uncomfortable around him anymore he made us pancakes "who is jessica to u" my question made him uncomfortable "she was used to be someone to me until I caught her being over obsessed with me she was about to kill random girls who were close to me and then they took her to jail she is done with her punishment now and my mom used to think that she is always perfect for me but she was not I was not happy with her" yn can see taehyung's pain in his eyes for the very first time "my mom even invited her to my wedding and gave her a job tell me if she comes to you or does anything to you" taehyung said I gulped the food down "something happend taehyung remember when jessica came to our house she called herself as your girlfriend and she went to our bedroom for some reason And then she called me a slut and burden" yn said "i knew this she leaked a rumour about you yn but I controlled it that's why I fired her from our  company yesterday cause she was the one who put the drinks  in the office she did that on a purpose so I can hate u but now she is in jail" taehyung said  how can someone be understable like him how can someone be perfect like him "I am getting late let's do this later" he said as he kissed me and went out I touched my lips is this cold ice berg  melting ???

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