Warnings + Ships Included

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Lists of ships:

Hailey x Jake x Drew (endgame)

Luke x Zander (endgame?)

Milly x Elliot (minor, endgame)

Jake x Sean (past, went on a date once)

Jake x Lia (past one-sided crush)

Drew x Zoey (past, dated)

Drew x Zander (past, one-sided crush)

Daisy x Sadie x Stacy (minor, endgame)

Luke x Stacy (past one-sided crush)

Maria x Lia (minor, endgame)

OC x Jake (past relationship)

OC x OC (minor, endgame)

OC x Zander (past mutual crush)

TWs: Suicidal thoughts, substance abuse, underage drinking, panic attacks, bullying, yelling, mentions of death, attempted S/A (grabbing wrists, verbal sexual harassment)

I will but T/Ws before every chapter that needs it. 

Before the fanfic starts, I wanted to say that there will absolutely be NO SMUT in this fanfic. The most I'll ever go will be describing an in-detailed kiss, and that'll be all. Occasionally, I might throw in a dirty joke every now and then, but for the most part nothing of the sorts will happen.

I'm not trying to promote underage drinking. If you drink, make sure to be of age, because it seriously hurts your body when you're younger.

I'm not trying to promote cheating, either.

If anyone's uncomfortable, you're free to leave :) I'm not forcing anyone to read this.


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