"You like me, right?"

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Jake, Drew, Lia, Henry, and Liam decided to hang out at Drew's place.

"That party was really something, Drew. I haven't had that much fun in a while. Everything's been pretty stressful with tests, and now that it's over, we can finally kick back and relax." Liam flops onto the beanbag.

Jake says in reply, "I didn't really think that you cared if you failed tests or not. At least, that's what you said at the start of the year."

"Well, my parents finally decided to have a look at my grades, and seeing that my GPA was at 2 wasn't the best thing to ever happen. So now they're on my back about tests and stuff. So now I'm supposed to be studying because we'll be in college in a year and a half."

"Well, my grades weren't all that good at the beginning of the year, but now I feel like our second semester is off to a good start." Lia says, relieved.

"I don't really care too much about my grades, I'm not planning on getting into college anyway." Henry says simply, "But Drew, you're taking a ton of honors classes. I'm sure you'll get into a great college!"

"Well, yeah. I'm sure of it. Besides, I still have a 4.0. I'm doing pretty well. I'm planning on going into business and finance." Drew confidently smirks, "How about you, Jake?"

"Well, I'll admit, school hasn't been my biggest priority lately," Jake admits, "but, I think I'll make it in the music industry. It'll be fun!"

"You know, you should sing for us occasionally. As your friends, I feel we haven't been able to hear you sing often, unless we're listening in on your practice." Drew suggests.

"Wait, you listen in on rehearsals?"

"Never mind that," Drew's cheeks flushed, "I know that I've been a jerk to you about the music stuff, but I'm trying to make it up to you by letting you feel open enough to sing-" Drew sees Liam and Henry smirking from the corner of his eyes, "And don't call it cheesy."

"Aww, Drew loves your singing voice, he would want you to sing him a lullaby to bed, every night!" Henry made that up right on the spot.

"Huh? When did I say that—"

Liam interjects, "Yep, he totally said that."

Drew's cheeks are more red than before, and facepalms at his idiotic friends.

"So you know how my soon-to-be step-brother is Andre Lauman from middle school?"

A collection of nods, yes', and 'mhm's were all made at once.

"Don't think of this as me talking shit about your friends, Jake. I'm just telling what I saw at that party."

Jake started to get nervous about what he was about to hear from Drew.

"Y'know, I saw one of your friends kissing my soon-to-be step-brother, Andre. It was weird, because I thought that Zander was in a relationship."

"Wait— what?! Zander's cheating on Luke?! Please don't tell me that's true—"

"I'm only telling you what I saw. I'm not sure, I was drunk at the time, but you might want to talk to your friend. Just letting you know."

"I'll send him a quick text."

Jake Sterling:

i heard that you and andre kissed at the party

im hoping that's not the case but if that did happen i can come up with advice maybe

Alexzander Wickham:

ugh you're so annoying

i didn't kiss andre and i don't know why you'd believe that

Parties, Heartache, and Music (TMF Fanfic) || Discontinued !!Where stories live. Discover now