Making Up (discontinued)

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Ring... Ring... Ring...

Jake's phone rang. Once he picked up the phone, he noticed it was a group call from Sam and Daisy's group-chat.


"Jake, Daisy, guess what?!" Sam's voice exclaimed.

Daisy asks, "What?"

Sam laughs, "Me and Iridessa are a thing now, or something like that. The date earlier today was a success!"

Jake smiles, "Wait, for real?! Congrats!"

"I called it from the start," Daisy smugly replies, "I'm always right."

"Sure you are." Sam sarcastically responds, "By the way, Daisy, you're coming back to Rosemeadow from your trip tonight, right?"

"Yeah. The trip was very peaceful, and a nice way to destress from everything." The call continued going for a little bit, as everyone catched up with each other.


Monday was the day Milly planned to force Henry to talk to Liam again. She scanned the hallways for the green-haired guy, and once she spotted him, she sprinted over to him.

"Henry! Today's the day!" Milly exclaimed, "I told Elliot I like him, so now it's your turn."

Henry's face showed the slightest bit of fear that he wouldn't show usually, "Actually, I think I might just... not."

Milly frowned, "C'mon! Don't be chicken! Plus, he wants to talk to you so bad. It's hurting his feelings that you won't talk to him."

"... Fine." Henry walked away towards Liam, who was next to the lockers. Henry grabbed Liam by his arm, to his surprise, and dragged him to a quieter place.

"Henry, I really need to talk to you—"

"I like you. You don't have to feel the same, but I might as well clear it up for you. Sorry for running off on you, I was just embarrassed." Henry quickly explains, waiting for rejection.

"I'm sorry about not giving a straight answer to you, I wasn't sure what you were implying when you were giving me flowers." Liam continues, "I like you too."

Those words melted Henry's worries away. "So, you're saying that I was worried for absolutely nothing?"

Liam laughs, "Yeah, so what are we then?"

"We can date, but I've never dated anyone in my life, so I don't know what I'm doing."

"Same, man. But, we can figure that out together." The two walk together, side-by-side back to their friends.


"The amount of couples getting together in the past few days is crazy." Zander rolls his eyes at the couple in front of him holding hands. Drew and Jake sat in front of him and Sadie.

"That's because you're just jealous." Drew spits back. Zander tensed, even knowing that he was joking with him made his blood boil.

"Whatever." Zander stopped trying to talk with Jake, because talking to him meant speaking with Drew as well.

Class continued as normal, until it ended. Drew starts, "Zander."

Zander looks back at him. "What?"

"I know I can't expect you to forgive me, because I didn't give a full proper apology to you."

Zander rolls his eyes, "I thought you already apologized for what happened this year."

"I was giving a general apology to the music club for the bullying that happened that year, and what happened with Jake. I didn't apologize for what happened in middle school." Drew responds.

Parties, Heartache, and Music (TMF Fanfic) || Discontinued !!Where stories live. Discover now