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T/W for this chapter specifically: Bullying, Panic Attacks, Suicide baiting

"Hey, Sean." Sean turned around to see Milly at the door of the music room.

"Hey, Milly. What's up?"

"Nothing much. I came to tell you that there'll be double practice time tomorrow, because we missed today's practice. It's taking place during the normal time at lunch, and after school."

"Man, I hope it isn't extremely awkward tomorrow." Sean says, "The whole thing with Luke and Zander might get the mood weird."

"Yeah. Hopefully, everything's sorted out soon. I really need to go and call the two of them, and see how they're feeling."

"Yeah. I'll see you tomorrow, Milly." Sean waves, and the two go in separate directions, Sean going towards the exit, and Milly towards Jake once again.



Luke walks to the front door, and opens it for whoever's there. Hailey.

"Hey, Hailey. I'm really sorry that you had to see me like this." Luke's eyes were bloodshot from tears.

"Oh, no worries. It doesn't bother me. I... wanted to come see how you were doing. I'm really sorry this happened to you."

"It's fine, but you should probably go check up on Zander. He's your step-brother."

"Luke. I came here to check on you. We're also family, even if it's not by blood. I consider everyone in our club family. On the way here, I stopped at the Gacha Deli by Lunime Park. I got you a sandwich. If you've already eaten, then you can just put it in the fridge and eat it some other time, then."

"Thanks, Hailey. I really appreciate it." Luke says in a genuine voice, despite it sounding tired.

"By the way, tomorrow we have two practices. One at 12:30, and one after school, to make up for the lost practice today. If you don't feel up to it, then I'm not forcing you. I'm pretty sure you've got your part down."

"We'll see tomorrow. I'm gonna try to go to school tomorrow. Hopefully, things aren't too awkward."

"Yeah, hopefully. I'll see you tomorrow, Luke." Hailey waved, and shut the front door. She made her way back to her house.


Liam and Henry were sitting at Lunime Park together, with the absence of Drew and Jake because the two went out somewhere together. Lia had something planned with Maria, so she wasn't able to make it as well.

"I'm so bored, Liam. Why did we go to the park without bringing a ball to play with?"

Liam deadpanned, "I dunno, maybe because you suggested we go to the park out of nowhere. We were originally gonna go to my place, but you randomly said to come here instead."

Henry grumbles, "Ugh, I don't know what I was thinking. We should have just gone straight to yours."

"Let's just start walking home, instead. We can play the new game I got." Liam suggested. Henry nods, and the two start walking to Liam's place.

"Aren't you supposed to be studying, Liam? You said the other day that you're trying to study more often."

"That's so I can actually get into college, and not end up like you, Henry. You'll see when I have a successful career, and you're left living with your mom."

"Haha, very funny. I bet you don't even know what you want to go into college for." All Henry got in reply was silence. "Wait, for real? You've been talking about getting into college, and all that stuff about jobs, when you don't even know what you want to be?"

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