Eyes on Him

153 4 3

T/W: Bullying, implied su1c1al thoughts

"Hey, mom. You don't mind if I skip school tomorrow...?"

"Zander! You already came home early today. You can't be skipping your classes like this."

"Please. I really don't want to go to school." Zander said, avoiding the topic regarding the kissing Andre thing.

Unaware of what occurred, Shannon says, "Well it's alright. You have yourself Luke, as your boyfriend, he'll help you. And you also have your sister too."

Zander avoided eye contact when Luke was mentioned, staying silent. Shannon picks up on what he's hinting.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, Zander. I didn't realize. Today you've already missed half of the school day— so I don't want you to miss another full day of school. However, I'll let you come late to school, and be there for the classes you missed today, so you don't miss them again tomorrow. Is that okay with you?"

Zander nods, dreading school. He walks back to his room, where the feeling of his stomach sinking never left him.


The next day, Hailey walks to her locker. Once she puts her belongings away, she immediately heads towards where Drew and Jake are.

"Jake, Drew. I need to speak with you." Hailey sees Henry and Liam staring at her, "Privately. Let's go to the music room."

Drew and Jake walk behind Hailey, hand-in-hand. The three enter the music room.

"I said I'd talk about it with you both today, so here we are." Hailey said, "Jake, you start."

Jake starts, "Alright. I've liked both of you for a while now. I'm currently dating Drew, but I still like you, Hailey, as well. I was thinking that maybe... I didn't have to choose between you two...?"

"I don't have a problem with you dating Hailey as well." Drew replies.

"I also don't have anything against you dating both of us. But, we should set some boundaries quickly before class starts. For example, we should be allowed to have our own individual dates with Jake."

"Yeah." The three started to talk about how it'd look like, quickly before passing time ends.


"Milly, Henry, what are you doing?"

"Calm down, Sean. It's totally fine." The pink-haired girl smirked as she put her ear to the door of the music room. Henry similarly, had his ear to the door as well. Sean deadpanned, while Liam laughed at the two.

"No way! They're dating!" Milly shouted.

Liam smirked, "Our Jake-y boy was able to pull them both."

"Our bro literally has the most rizz known to man!" Henry shouted.

Sean started, "We should probably get to class. It'll start soon."

"Nah. We'll just skip." Liam says. Henry nods.

"Sure," Sean rolls his eyes, "Milly, let's go."

"Ugh, fine! You're such a buzzkill, Sean!"

The two leave Henry and Liam doing their thing. They soon split to their separate classes.


"Psst... Elliot! You still haven't told me your plans for your birthday." Milly whispered to Elliot during the lecture.

"I... don't know if I'll have anything big."

"It's your sweet sixteen in a week! You should do something! If not big, at least something with your friends." Milly exclaimed excitedly, yet still whispering.

"A-Alright. Next week we can do something. Maybe go to a garden and relax there." Elliot suggests.

Milly questions, "Are you planning on inviting Daisy, Sadie, and Stacy?"

"Yeah, but I doubt they'd be able to come. Daisy is traveling next week, and Stacy and Sadie have a big project due next week."

"Well, if it's just us, then that's totally fine! We can—" Milly is interrupted by her teacher's voice.

"Milly, Elliot, no talking during class. Once I give you work-time at the end, you're allowed to, but not during a lecture."

Elliot immediately apologized, "Sorry."


"Luke, I'm so sorry about what happened! He must've been a real piece of shit." Someone says to Luke.

Luke responds curtly, "Look, it's really none of your business. Don't speak about him that way."

In the corridor, Luke notices people staring and whispering. He knew that it wouldn't be about him, but rather, Zander.

Luke still loved Zander. He lost his trust in him, but he still loved him. Luke is angry with Zander, but he still cares for him. He misses Zander so much, but his conflicting emotions make it hard for Luke to clear his head and think logically.

He's angry at Zander. He loves Zander. He misses Zander. He wants to get back together with Zander, but he can't gloss over what happened. He... really needs to get his feelings sorted out.


Twelve-thirty. Zander is back at school after staying home for the morning. He immediately goes to the music room for rehearsal, not slowing down once, in order to prevent any interactions with any students in the hallway.

He ends up bumping into a stranger, when he'd previously been trying so hard to not run into anyone.

"You're Zander, right? Aren't you the guy who cheated on Luke? You see, Luke's my teammate. He's had his head down in the dumps because of you, y'know?"

"Look, I really need to go—" Zander turns and attempts to walk away.

Luke's teammate grabs Zander's arm. "No, you stay here. You deserve to know what you did."

Zander starts to get irritated, "I really don't think that is necessary. Fuck off. It's none of your business."

"You're really trying to defend yourself as if you did nothing wrong. You really are a piece of shit, aren't you? Look in the mirror, maybe then you'll see that you don't deserve to be here."

"Well, if you and Luke are such 'good teammates', then you should check up on him, rather than annoying me. Leave me alone, imbecile."

Zander simply walks off.

'I really don't deserve to be here. I should just...'

"Zander!" His step-sister's voice rang from just outside the music room.


"Are you alright? I saw what happened."

"I'm fine. He was just a nuisance." Although Zander said that, he was affected by the words said.

"I'm sorry I didn't step in. I should have done that."

"Don't worry. Let's start rehearsal now."

The two entered the club room, and there the rest of the club stood. There was a noticeable tension in the group.

Luke and Sean were having their own conversation, and Milly and Jake were speaking to each other.

"Let's start by putting our lyrics that we brainstormed together. We can then decide which ones we want to keep, and what we should discard."

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