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T/W: being outed, homophobia

When Liam was in middle school, he had a scene phase, and was judged harshly for it. Henry was his friend, and one of his only friends. The only time he felt liked by others was when he played sports— it was almost as if they forgot who he was. It was as if they didn't know that he was even the scene kid.

Liam sat down on a bench. Luke soon sat by him, "Hey, you're... Liam, right?"


"I wanted to ask you if you felt comfortable on the team... sometimes it looks like you're nervous to be around us, so I wanted to help you ease in." Luke spoke.

Liam looked at him with a mixture of confusion and surprise, "You really mean it?"

"Yeah. I'm willing to hang out with you. I can let you know who it's best to hang around. Some of the other guys think I'm weird because I like guys."

"I secretly like guys too, so I don't think you're weird." And just like that, a small bond was formed between the two.


"Whatcha writing in your journal, Luke?" A guy on their soccer team taunts.

Luke curtly responds, "Stuff."

"Something gay? Something girly?" The guy mocks him, "We're meant to be, you and me, together~!"

Luke frowned, and shut his songbook. "Please stop. You're hurting my ear drums."

"Too bad. Your lyrics hurt my eyes."

"Then don't read it in the first place..." Luke grumbles underneath his breath.

"Y'know, I'm pretty sure you're the odd one out of the group. You're the only sissy here!" The taller boy laughed at him. Luke was getting more irritated.

"I'm not."

"Really, then who? I bet you won't have an answer."

Impulsively, Luke speaks without thinking about the consequences of his actions. "Liam likes boys too! It's not that weird! I don't get why you have such a problem with me! I didn't even do anything to you." 

Once those sentences left Luke's mouth, he regretted everything. Why did he out Liam? Luke knew how it felt to be outed when he wasn't ready, and yet he did the same thing as those bullies once did to him.


The next day, Liam walked out to the soccer field for practice. People were staring at him, and whispering. Liam, confused, stands by Luke. Luke averted eye contact out of guilt.

"Is it true, Liam? Are you gay?" Another boy on their team asks. Liam soon connected the dots and glared directly at Luke.

"Luke, did you tell them?" Liam whisper-yelled.

"S-Sorry... I didn't mean to–" Luke attempted to respond, but quickly got cut off by Liam shouting at him, "So you did?! I trusted you! I thought—- I thought that we were friends-ish! You're such an asshole, you know that! You're the same as everyone else in this goddamn school!"

Liam sprinted off in tears. He didn't care where he was going, he just wanted to get away from there. Luke was left behind, rubbing his arm guiltily.


Luke and Zander stood by their lockers, and were chatting, until a certain scene kid walked by, glaring at Luke. Behind him, a green-haired kid also glared at him.

Zander, confused, asks, "What's wrong with them? Why are they so mad?"

"I did something awful." Luke covers his face with his hands.

Parties, Heartache, and Music (TMF Fanfic) || Discontinued !!Where stories live. Discover now