My Original Plan

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Hey, everyone! This is my original plan on how things were going to turn out after the events of what I've already written. 

This includes the dates of when exactly these events will happen. 

3/4- Lia/Hailey make-up

3/5- Sean's birthday

3/7- Luke/Zander conclusion

3/8- Zoey/Milly make-up whilst finishing up the jackets

Zoey/Jake chat

3/9- rehearsal run-through

3/10- Milly's jackets are shown

3/11- Final runthrough (Hailey panics :( )

3/11- The club hangs out together

3/12- The school is talking to them and others about the concert




Band reunion after many years

Hailey/Jake are singers

Milly's still in college, works in a tattoo shop with Liam

Luke is a vet

Zander's an author/screenwriter

Sean is a Club DJ and Hailey and Jake's manager

Possible endings for Lander?:

- Lander is together

- Lander remains friends

- Lander remains on a break throughout the story, but gets back together later after

- Lander is no longer friends

Thank you for reading this :)

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