Parental Confrontations

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Upon entering the living room, Michael was also sitting down, expecting them, with a stern expression. Shannon says, "Hailey, you said you were going to Iridessa's house. Alexzander, you were supposed to be at Luke's. Last night I got a phone call from Ms. Peterson. Luke didn't answer any of her phone calls, so she called me. She told me to tell him that he'd have to come back home the next day, because they have guests over. Apparently, Luke was supposed to be at our house, and I thought that you and Luke were staying at his house. Why did you lie to me?"

Zander looked away, avoiding all eye contact with his mom.

"And Hailey, Millicent's mother called me telling me that she's staying here."

Hailey gulped, and held her breath.

Michael started, "You guys were sneaking off, right? You went to a party. That's why you guys smell like alcohol."

"I understand. Hailey, Alex. Why did you lie to us? We want to know why you snuck off. You aren't the type of children to do such things, which is why I'm confused." Shannon speaks.

The living room was silent. Michael broke that silence, "We're asking you two a question."

Hailey starts, "... I'm really, really, sorry dad...!"

"Are you sorry for lying to us, or are you sorry for being caught? How long have you been up to this?" Michael starts to interrogate them, until Shannon interrupts, "Let them speak, Michael."

"We were invited to go to a party. We decided to go because we wanted to see some old friends, and because we've never been invited to anything like this. We have never done anything like this in our lives. There. I explained." Zander quickly explains.

"Thank you for explaining. I'll make sure to call the other parents, though. They deserve to know what happened." Shannon states.

"Wait—! Mom, please do not call Sean's mom. He's the one who's been trying to convince us to not go." Hailey pleads, leaving out the familial issues in Sean's family.

"Alright. I'll be calling Luke and Milly's parents. I don't have Jake's parents' numbers, so I can't call them. You two are grounded for the next two weeks."

The two nod and walk upstairs to their respective rooms.


"Luke! I can't believe that you would...! I can't believe my baby is using substances! I can't believe poor Zander and Hailey were also involved! Why would you...?" Luke's mom was in tears.

Luke silently sat across from his poor, crying mother.


"Millicent! I thought I taught you better than that! Why would you actively disobey me? Why have you become all delinquent-y all of a sudden? You were so obedient when you were in middle school, where did I go wrong? Hailey is so obedient to her father, why can't you be?" Milly's father asks her, shocked to find out what had happened.

"I-I- ugh! Why are you comparing me to her! We are two different people! And she also went to that party! It wasn't just me! Stop acting as if I'm someone completely different from your child!" Milly shouted at her father. The two continued to argue.


Sean and Jake were on the road, when Sean asked, "Do you mind if I hangout with you for a little while longer? I... don't really want to go home."

"Sure! We can go back to my house and hangout." The two drove closer to Jake's house.

The two walked into the house, and Milo was watching T.V. "There you are, Jake! And Sean!"

Parties, Heartache, and Music (TMF Fanfic) || Discontinued !!Where stories live. Discover now