A Ride Home

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a/n: I edited this part on 6/12/23 because there were some inconsistencies in Jake's age and driver's license.

a/n #2: I edited it AGAIN on 6/12/23 because I didn't want these people to break the law--- I'll make it clear when and where those changes are. 

"You guys were so amazing! I can tell how much work you put into this!" Daisy exclaimed.

"Aw, thanks for listening, Daisy." Hailey smiles.

"Hey, Sean. You mind giving me a ride home? My dad's busy." Milly asks.

Sean nods, "Sure."

The two walk out of the clubroom, presumably to the car that Sean borrowed from his parents. He just hoped that they wouldn't notice that he took one of them. Sean planned on buying his own, once he had enough saved up, but he knew he'd have to take more shifts to get that done soon.


a/n: this is where things are a little bit different from the original-- it doesn't affect the plot too heavily though. the only differences are that there's some more dialogue between Jake and Hailey, and Hailey driving instead of Jake. 

"Hailey, Luke and I are leaving now. Are you coming too?" Zander motions towards the door.

"Actually," Jake starts, "I could give you all a ride. Me and Daisy were planning to go to the boba place by your houses anyway."

Hailey responds, "Jake, how long have you had your license?"

"A little over half a year. I got my car recently, though."

Hailey tenses up, "Aren't you not allowed to take over three non-familial passengers? We're four people, so that would be breaking the law."

"Nah, it's fine. I can take you guys, your house is close, so I'm sure it won't be too bad. Should I drop Luke off first, then you and Zander?"

Luke adds, "Actually Jake, I just need a ride to the Gacha Deli. I actually have an interview over there."

"That'll be fine. Gacha Deli is close to your house Luke anyway, so it won't make much of a difference." Jake responds.

Hailey sternly frowned at Jake. "Then let me drive until we get to my place. I've had my license for over a year, so I can take you all."

Jake was about to protest, but eventually just gets in anyway. Hailey starts the car, and they go past Luke's house on Gacha Lane, and towards the city, where the Gacha Deli is.

"Since when did you apply for the Deli? You never mentioned it at all." Hailey asked.

"Well, I applied last month, but I didn't feel like I should say anything until I actually got the job. And even now, I still don't have the job. It's just an interview." Luke replied.

"I thought you were vegan, though." Jake questions.

"Well, the only reason I eat from here is because this specific deli is all vegan. They use vegan meats instead of real meats, and even I don't eat a ton of it still. Most people aren't really into the vegan menu, so it's still pretty small for a restaurant."

"Oh, I didn't know that. You see, I've never eaten here at all." Jake comments. 

Hailey parked in the shared parking lot of a few different stores and fast food restaurants. Gacha Deli was among them, and Luke got out of the car, and went inside. Once Hailey saw him go inside, she pulled out of the parking space, and headed towards her and Zander's house.

"Zander, do you know if Hannah came over today for Bethany's play-date?" Hailey asks Zander.

He shrugs, "I thought Bethy went to Hannah's instead? I might've heard wrong, though. Why?"

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