Jake's House

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"Hey, Jake. How are you feeling?" Luke asked.

"Anxious. I kinda want to go home now."

"Then I'll tell Sean. You rest up a bit more then." Luke's words did not process through Jake's mind.

A few minutes later, the rest of the group came through the door that Jake was sitting next to. Jake wasn't fully able to read the expressions on his friends' faces, but he was able to comprehend the overall mood. Hailey seemed a lot more joyful than usual. Milly seemed pretty much normal, but more hyper (even for her). Luke looked tired, Zander looked nervous, or even guilty... Jake wasn't very sure what that meant, and he didn't bother thinking about it further.

"Are we going to Jake's house yet?" Milly excitedly asks.

"Yes, Milly. We're going to Jake's house," Sean replies, "Jake, can you give me your keys?"

Jake reaches into his pocket and grabs his keys. He gives it to Sean, and they all get into his car. Soon enough, he blacks out.


Once the club gets to Jake's house, Sean picks up Jake and puts him on his back. Everyone else comes out of the car, and enters the house.

"Okay, everyone. Let's all just rest up here-" Sean double takes when he sees Milo awake.

Milo, confusedly asks, "What the- why is Jake passed out on your back? Did you do something to him?"

"No, but Jake did fall asleep in the car ride home. He said you would be asleep, though."

"I was asleep until you guys came here. Still, why did you guys come back so late? Did you all sneak out to a party just like in the movies?"

"Mm, sort of. Do you have any idea of where we can all sleep? Jake invited us to come spend the night here."

"Jake can sleep on the couch. I have a small air mattress that I can give one of you guys. Jake's bed is also open. Me and Jake both have sleeping bags as well. Since there are six of you, you'll probably have to double up on Jake's bed."

"Okay, Milly and Hailey can double up on Jake's bed. Luke? Are you okay with taking a sleeping bag?"

A tired nod from Luke.

"Okay, then. Zander, you can go and sleep on the air-mattress."

Everyone went to their designated spots to sleep. Hailey got underneath the covers, until she felt someone jump onto the bed.

"Milly! Stop that! It's not your bed, don't jump on it...!"

"I'm super energetic right now! Who knew that I could feel so excited for absolutely nothing?!"

"That's because you're drunk. Get to bed, I'm tired." Although Hailey expected a response back, all there was was silence. She turned around, and saw that Milly was passed out on the bed.

Hailey got under the covers, and put herself to sleep.


Jake and Luke were fast asleep, while Zander and Sean were still up.

"Zander, why are you still up?" All Sean got were mumbles in return. Sean started again, "I couldn't quite hear what you said, but whatever it is that's worrying you, we can talk about it in the morning."

Zander starts to shake, "No! It's horrible...! I- ugh! I'm a horrible person! And everyone's going to hate me, and I already hate myself and I'll be stabbed and murdered, and I'll die! And I'll go to hell!"

"You are not a horrible person, Zander. We don't hate you. Please don't think such things. Are you feeling comfortable enough to receive a hug or not?" A nod from Zander. The two embrace, and a single tear rolls down Zander's cheek.

Sean asks, "Do you want to talk about it?" Zander shakes his head in reply. "Alright, then. Sleep tight."

Zander eventually sleeps, and Sean, after making sure everyone is asleep, goes to bed as well. 

We don't often see Sean and Zander interacting, so I wanted to make this interaction happen! 

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