Feeling Led On

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"Hey, you guys' names are Jake and Daisy, right? I didn't think you two were friends." Iri greeted.

"Yeah, Jake's a longtime friend of mine. The girl you met the other day, Sam, is also our friend." Daisy cheerfully spoke.

"Speaking of Sam, do you happen to know if you guys are talking?" Jake fails to hold back a smirk.

"We are! She's really smart and cool and kind and..." Iridessa continued to rant about Sam. Daisy and Jake share a knowing look.

Daisy starts, "Iridessa? Do you like her?"

Jake gives her a look, questioning why she asked that so upfrontly.

"I guess I think she's cute. I don't know if I really like her yet, because I barely even know her well."

"Well, we can set something up for you, so you can get to know her well!" Jake suggested.

Iri averts her eyes, "I don't even know if she likes girls, or if she's even supportive, or not..."

"Don't worry! She's a lesbian, so she definitely likes girls." Daisy smiles. "How about we set you guys up on a date? Then you two can get to know each other more!"

"Exactly! The fact that Sam even gave you her number shows that you have a chance." Jake excitedly says.

Iridessa replies, "Sure. We can figure something out. I have to get back to working, so I'll see you another time."

"Goodbye, Iri!" Daisy waves back at Iridessa.

Jake waves as well with a simple, "Bye!"

The two fist-bump, and go into Jake's car, then drive home.


"What are you doing here?" Luke glared at his grandparents.

"We just wanted to see our daughter and grandson!" His grandmother smiled at him.

"I'm not your grandson. You shut us out. My mom's stressed out enough as it is, so please don't make it worse for her." Luke slammed the door on his grandparents.

He still stuck beside the door, and heard their conversation afterwards.

His grandfather whispers, albeit not quietly to his wife, "Caroline wouldn't be this stressed out if she just didn't have that fairy in the first place."

"It's too late to go back now." His grandmother replied.

From behind the door, Luke's teeth clenched. His eyebrows furrowed, but not in anger, but rather sadness.

Knock, knock!

"Please, Luke! I want to make amends with you guys! I miss my baby so much." His grandmother called from behind the door.

Luke opens the door, "That's a load of bullshit. I was right next to the door when you were whispering about my mom having me."

His grandparents give each other a look.

Luke continues, "You have the audacity to come here to 'make amends' after all of the heartache she's gone through alone!" Luke's voice started to raise, "You were never my grandparents, you were never my mom's parents, and you were never there for my mom. So with all due respect, get out!"

"Caroline was right. He really is like his father, yelling like that." His grandfather muttered.

Luke falters, "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have yelled, that was immature of me. My mom will be going back to work in thirty minutes, so she'll have to leave. If you want to spend twenty minutes with my mom, then you can come inside."

Luke walks past his grandparents. His grandmother asks, "Where are you going, Luke? It's dark outside."

"I'm going to my friend's house." Luke continues walking down the back pathway, the shortcut to Hailey and Zander's house. He felt water sprinkle on him, and he soon realized that it was raining. He hoped that he could make it to Hailey and Zander's house before it gets worse.

The rain began to pour harder, Luke's clothes were wet, and he was shivering with how cold he felt. He made it to Zander and Hailey's, and he hesitated briefly before knocking on the door.

Shannon opens the door, "Luke! It's raining! What were you doing outside? Let's get you a new change of clothes."

Shannon immediately calls, "Zander! Get a change of your clothes!"

"Why?!" He shouts back from upstairs.

"Just do it, Alex!" Zander quickly walks down the stairs, and sees Luke wet from the rain.

He gives Luke the change of clothes, "Here's some clothes. Just go to the bathroom and change."

Luke does as told and goes to change. Zander sits on the stairs and waits for him.

Once Luke comes out, Zander concernedly asks, "Why were you out in the rain? You don't have to tell me if you're not comfortable."

"It's alright. But first, is it alright if I stay the night here? Right now, I don't want to go home."

"Don't worry. You can stay over. Let's go upstairs to my room first."

The two walk upstairs into Zander's room. They sat on his bed, and Luke began to talk, "I already told you about my family situation, so I doubt I need to go into that, but my grandparents came over."

Zander shared a worried look with Luke. Luke continued, "I just didn't want to stay at home with them there. They already shut us out, so why should we let them back in? My mom's already stressed enough, and I don't want it to be any worse for her."

Zander frowned, "You're always welcome here, if you ever feel like you can't stay at home. Do you mind if I hug you? It probably won't erase your worries, but it helps me feel a little better."

"Sure." The two share a comforting embrace. And soon enough, tears streamed down Luke's face, unable to hold back sniffles.

Luke sniffles, "I can't... I'm just so stressed, and I've been taking out on everyone else...! I yelled at my grandparents, I yelled at you...! I really am turning into my father..."

"From your description of your father, I can say confidently that you two are nothing alike. You're sweet, considerate, caring, responsible, trustworthy, and a good person."

"...." Luke's eyes began to close, almost falling asleep on Zander.

Zander notices, "Hey Luke, I should probably get the extra mattress out. You can sleep on my bed."

"No, I can sleep on the mattress." Luke refutes, tiredly.

"It's fine, you can sleep on my bed. I wasn't planning on sleeping right now anyway, I've got lots of homework to finish."

"Just cuddle with me instead." Luke was drowsy and wasn't thinking about his words. Zander knew this, and still turned red. Zander averted his eyes, and even so, he felt as if he was being led on. 

"You aren't thinking straight, Luke." Zander frowned.

"But I'm not straight. I'm pan."

"Ugh...!" Zander says irritatedly, "You aren't thinking pansexual, Luke. We're on a break, remember? I don't want to breach it. When you're fully awake, and if you ask me to, then I don't mind."

"Fine." Luke repositioned himself into a more comfortable way to sleep in.

"'Night, Luke."

"Goodnight, Zander." Luke drifted to sleep, and Zander went back to doing his homework.

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